Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: helloo and welcome back

we are officially in fluff city so get comfortable because this vacation is gonna last a while. but it's also the last fluff city vacation we'll get so that kinda sucks ig

anyway, this chapter is set three weeks after the events of the decathlon so things have had time to settle down


"We'll both die together.

No one gets to go first."


"Ugh, Tony, it's been like a million hours and I'm hungry. Can't we just call it?" Adelaide groaned.

"Hungry? You just ate half a pizza," the billionaire replied distractedly. He was hunched over something on his computer. It was yet another Friday night in Tony's lab as he tried running tests on her blood to determine the true extent of her powers, but every time he ran the tests, the results were always inconclusive. His technology was not advanced enough to pull apart and understand the power of an infinity stone yet.

"That was an hour ago," she mumbled, "Plus, Peter's waiting for me. We have a date tonight, remember?"

After the initial explosion of Tony finding out about her and Peter in the worst way possible, things had simmered down quite a bit. She knew Tony loved Peter, but he was just hesitant to admit (if hesitant meant stubborn). In fact, just a week ago, the billionaire had come into her room, looking all strange and started asking her if she really loved Peter or if she was just messing around with him and if she would let him down easy if things ever didn't work out between them.

And not only that, but Tony had also promised to loosen up some of his restrictions on her going out once her rib was all healed. They had finally had the discussion about not treating her like a child and they had found some common ground between them. She could go without adult supervision as long as at least one person knew where she was. Tony would have to trust her when she told him where she was going and she would have to not lie to him again. They both thought it was fair and, so far, things had been working out okay.

Although, he still loved to pick on her and Peter and keep up the tough dad act which ultimately made her feel like a child.

"I conveniently forgot," Tony said looking over his machinery to give her a grin. She rolled her eyes, spinning around in the chair she was in. "Look, I'm just trying to help you out, alright? You're the one who caused an earthquake that day. I'm just the guy trying to get to the bottom of it."

"I wish Bruce were here," she mumbled to herself and, boy, was that the wrong thing to say. Because for the next fifteen minutes, the billionaire went off about why, even though Bruce had seven PhDs, he was in no way shape or form smarter than him. His oral essay even had supporting ideas.

"...and three, he turns into a giant green angry man and it's out of his control. Do you see me transforming into a giant green man every time I get angry? No, no, I don't. Look at my wrists, look at them. No green in sight. So that's why, in conclusion, I am better than Banner."

Adelaide gave him a hard look, bored out of her mind.

"You have five more minutes with me and then you're not allowed to talk to me again for at least three hours. No, make that five. I've spent too much time with you today," she said. The billionaire gave her a look. He was just about to turn back and finish up his results when her phone rang again for what felt like the millionth time that hour.

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