Chapter Forty-Four

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A/N: dearest gentle reader is the only way i will be addressing you guys henceforth 😤

i'm still in the midst of recovering from kate and anthony because i fell in love with their love and now i can't seem to want to do anything else at all. peter and ada pale in comparison to them and honestly everything pales in comparison to them 😭

anyway, i think this chapter is really cute bc it's her birthday!! adie's turning 16!! they grow up to fast 🥺🥺 also, credits to  @amararodriguez781227 for finding this photo!

anyway, i think this chapter is really cute bc it's her birthday!! adie's turning 16!! they grow up to fast 🥺🥺 also, credits to  @amararodriguez781227 for finding this photo!

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"I want to do everything

in the world with you."

"Hello? Anybody home?" Adelaide shouted into the penthouse as she walked in from the elevators. The dimmed lights suggested that everyone was out somewhere. She sighed, walking into the kitchen for some chocolate.

She couldn't believe everyone was out doing something without her, especially tonight when it was her birthday.

She didn't exactly turn sixteen twice.

The adults had all wished her in the morning, but then she didn't hear a peep from them during her entire afternoon with Vivian. The two girls went all around the city together to celebrate her birthday and the sun had already set by the time she made it back to the penthouse. She thought they would all be here together to celebrate, but the penthouse was completely empty.

Adelaide glanced at the clock. It was only seven. Where had everyone gone to?

"A package arrived for you today, Adelaide," FRIDAY told her, "It's sitting on your bed."

She frowned, popping some chocolate into her mouth before closing the fridge door behind herself. Since was she getting packages that were delivered to her bed?

"Who's it from?" she asked the AI.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" she replied. Dusting her hands of the chocolate crumbs against her jeans, she made her way down the hall to her room.

She never really got any packages. Although, ever since the world found out she was Tony Stark's daughter, people had been sending her all kinds of stuff. Happy always opened the packages before she did as a security precaution. Sometimes, people even sent her chocolates and candy, but Happy never let her eat them. He said they could be poisoned but she suspected he just wanted them for himself.

When she reached her bedroom, she saw the package sitting at the foot of her bed. It was wrapped in rich, navy blue paper with a silver bow tied over it. When she got closer to it, she saw there was a handwritten note tucked under the ribbon. She smiled to herself and took the note out to read it.

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