Chapter Forty-Three

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A/N: hellooo

i've thankfully been able to relax for a little over a week now thanks to the week of three exams being over and giving me a good enough excuse to not touch any more homework than i absolutely have to.

just a quick note, we have three chapters (including this one) until we hit infinity war and then it is game on

also, if you look closely at this gif, it looks like she's saying peter kinda sorta, you have to watch it a few times and it's just at the end

and lastly, @amararodriguez718227 made another edit, so thank you!

and lastly, @amararodriguez718227 made another edit, so thank you!

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"No kissing! Tony's rules, not mine."


"I can't decide what we should do first!" Ned said excitedly, "I mean, this is gonna be the coolest vacation ever! How many people can say they spent the weekend at Tony Stark's lakeside cabin?"

"Well, about four people," Adelaide said, looking around the backseat of the car, "Five, if you include Happy." The man gave a grunt from the driver's seat. He was not overjoyed about being roped into chaperoning four teenagers at Tony's lakeside cabin for the weekend.

"I am so glad you showed up at Tony Stark's penthouse years ago and then decided to be friends with us," Ned said.

"Me too," Adelaide smiled, leaning back into Peter. With the four of them all sitting together in the backseat, they had to squeeze in tight. Which was no problem at all if that meant she could snuggle next to Peter the whole ride there. Vivian was there next to Ned, too but she had fallen asleep. Apparently, she had started watching some horror movie last night and then couldn't sleep afterwards. One of them could have sat in the front, but this was way more fun.

After her two week trip to Italy, Peter was eager to spend as much time with her as he could to make up for it. When they were thinking of vacation ideas, he jumped on the lakeside cabin idea almost immediately. They then realized it would be even more fun if they invited Ned and Vivian along. But when she asked Tony for permission to use his cabin, he said they could go as long as Happy babysat them the entire time.

Tony was still coming around to the idea of her dating Peter, but he was being more lenient than before. She knew that Tony thought of Peter as one of the better ones and that he was only being hard on him to keep him in line. Peter's relationship with Tony had improved greatly since the summer started and the two of them even hung out without her sometimes. Tony wouldn't admit it aloud, but he cared for Peter just as much as he cared for her.

"Alright, we're here," Happy said, pulling the car into the driveway, "Remember, luggage goes straight to your rooms. I don't need you making a mess for me to clean. And no, before you ask, I'm not carrying anything for you."

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