Chapter Thirty-Nine

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A/N: hello lovelies

so another time skip here. like i said, we're gonna have a few time skips cause we've got like a year before infinity war and nothing really happens besides a whole bunch of fluff and regular stuff so i'm not gonna write about every single day they spend until infinity war lol

but, yeah, this is a big one: stark wedding! it's a giant wedding in this book but i honestly imagine it much more lowkey, i just didn't have time to write it that way so sorry, you'll have to deal with a flashy, glamorous wedding instead :)

"Peter Parker, are you

proposing to me right now?"


" look..." Adelaide started.

"...Incredible," Happy finished. The teenager nodded. She really did look incredible.

"Really, you think? It's not too much?" the woman asked as she smooth her hands over her white gown. She turned around, looking at her reflection in the mirror over her bare shoulder. Adelaide shook her head.

"Tony's gonna sob like a baby," she breathed, awestruck. Pepper smiled, holding her hands out for the teenager. Adelaide took her hands and stepped forward. Pepper squeezed her hands.

"You know what's crazy? I'm not nervous," she said, making Adelaide smile. She threw her arms around the woman, hugging her tightly as she hugged her back. Pepper kissed the top of her head. "I love you, honey. I wouldn't want anyone else but my daughter to be my maid of honor."

Adelaide squeezed her one more time before pulling away, sniffling. She dabbed the corner of her eyes with her finger, trying to not mess up the makeup she had sat in the makeup chair for for two hours.

"I can't believe you both are going to be married," she said, grinning. Her parents, getting married. Life felt too good to be true lately.

There was a knock on the door and the wedding planner poked her head inside, "They're ready."

Adelaide squeezed Pepper's hands one more time before quickly kissing her cheek.

"I'll see you soon," the teenager said before following the wedding planner out of the room. Adelaide fixed her dress as they hurried down the hall.

It was a spaghetti strap full-length satin dress in the color mint green. There was a small slit on the right side that came up to her knee. She had to wear heels, but Pepper let her wear the shorter ones. They were strappy and silver with thin heels. She just couldn't afford to fall. Especially not when the whole world would be watching.

The wedding planner handed her a bouquet of white flowers to hold as they approached the end of the hall where she saw a certain boy in a black tuxedo, nervously adjusting the white rose in the breast pocket of his tux. The other groomsmen, including Rhodey (who was also the best man) were there too, already standing there with their designated bridesmaids. Rhodey gave her a bright smile which she returned.

When Peter heard her approaching, he looked up, his eyes widening. She had a girlish grin on her face, barely containing her excitement. She raised her eyebrows at him, her grin widening.

"You look amazing," she said when she came to stand in front of him. His brown eyes looked her up and down a few times before he could find the right words to say.

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