☆Chapter 1☆

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"Fuck" groaned Taehyung, trying to sit up as he blinked his eyes trying to make everything less blur then it already was.

"Were the fuck am I?" He asked to himself realizing he wasn't at his apartment.

He then look down and his eyes widen with shock. His chest was covered with purple bruises and hickeys all the way down to his legs.

"No no this can't be" Taehyung whispered to himself as he started to panic. He saw a small sticky note on the night stand and he quickly picked it up reading 'you were great baby boy' Taehyung felt his blood boil from anger, but then he saw 500 dollars on the night stand.

Taehyung got up from the bed and threw on his stripper clothes, wearing his 7 inch heels he hated the most.

He grabbed the money and shoved it in his pocket angrily. Leaving the hotel room in a rush.

After minutes of walking in pain in his lower region, he finally made it home.

He opened his apartment door to reveal a sleeping Jimin, who was asleep on the couch.

"Jiminie!" Shouted Taehyung waking up the sleeping boy, causing him to jump.

"Thank god it's just you" Jimin said in disbelief closing his eyes again.

"Jimin, there's no time to sleep" Taehyung said in a angrily voice crossing his arms across his chest.

"We don't go to work until 10" Jimin utter.

"I just lost my virginity, Jimin!"

"Good- wait what?!" He shouted with confusion laced in his voice as Taehyung took a seat on the couch as he was in to much pain to stand up.

"Was it romantic?"

"Did you have fun?"

"Was he hot?"

"Who was it with, oh my god was it with Park Bog-"  Jimin was caught of when Taehyung just sighed, looking at Jimin throw questions at him.

"I don't know who it was with," Taehyung whispered covering his face in a pillow.

"This is all he left," he said handing the money and note to Jimin.

Taehyung looked as if was going to cry so Jimin got up were he was sitting at, and rushed over to hug the younger.

"You don't remember a single thing then?" Jimin questioned.

Taehyung shook his head as a 'no' he tried to remember but nothing came to mind, all he could remember was him and Jimin working at the club as usual.

"I'll go make you your favorite tea,"

"Grapefruit green tea?" Taehyung asked as a smile made its way to his face.

"Of course!" Jimin exclaimed as he headed to the kitchen to prepare his best friends tea.

After spacing out a couple times, Taehyung decided to go take a nice warm bath using his favorite shampoo.

He took off his clothes then got in the warm bath, he hissed right when he got in making him in more pain.

"Ouch, fuck that person!" Taehyung hissed getting irritated.

Taehyung heard a knock at the bathroom door telling Jimin to come in.

"Here's your tea!" Jimin chirped handing it to Taehyung which he gladly took.

"Damn, he was going all hard on you" Jimin teased making Taehyung glare at him.

Jimin just laughed at Taehyung, as he sat on the ground, talking about the other strippers at the club.

Both of them judging them hard-core and complimenting some of them.

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