☆Chapter 28☆

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He cried into Jeongguk's arms, as he told him everything.

"I wish she would just love me, like the other moms love their kids with enduring love, I wanted to hug her and tell her sorry," Taehyung sobbed.

"Love, don't be sorry," Jeongguk said as they were cuddled up against one another. He kissed the top of his head and Taehyung sniffled as he still cried out.

"I'm going to check on Hannie," Taehyung mumbled as he got up from Jeongguk's lap and left for the nursery that Jeongguk finished about last week.

Jeongguk sat there on the bed waiting for Taehyung. Sooner he came into their bedroom holding their son in his arms and sat between Jeongguk's lap.

Taehyung let out a deep breath, and gave a gentle kiss on Jeongguk's cheek, "I love you forever my ggukie and Hannie," Taehyung said as the little baby grabbed Taehyung's finger and played with it. Taehyung cooed at the sight.

Jeongguk smiled warmly pulling the two into a hug whispering an 'I love you too 'to Taehyung as well.


A year has passed by and Jeongguk and his little family are doing better than ever, even moving in together made them both happy. Even though he and Taehyung fought mostly all the time.

"Jeongguk I swear to fucking god, I don't fucking believe you!"

"Baby listen I wasn't cheating with anyone! She's just a close friend of mine."

"Then why the hell were you guys so close looking at each other as if I didn't notice that you kissed her?" Taehyung scoffed as he went into Haneul's room, picking up the little boy who was playing with his toy car.

"Baby wait," Jeongguk reached, grabbing Taehyung's wrist but Taehyung pushed him off.

"Just leave me alone you cheater!" Taehyung yelled, as he slammed the door. Carrying his baby in his arms who was crying silently. "Shh baby don't cry, we'll come visit daddy another time, but not now," he spoke gently as he continued to walk.


Taehyung sat at a table as he let his baby drink some banana milk he bought from the convenience store. He rested his head on the table as he let out a groan he, saw his phone ringing non-stop. Of course it was Jeongguk.

He looked up as he saw his baby enjoying his drink. He smiled at him sweetly. He jumped when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Aren't you the person my ex husband cheated on?" She said so casually while looking at the one year old baby.

"Yeri," Taehyung gasped out right when he realized who she was, she looked different and more beautiful.

"Yes that's me, anyways sorry to just say that you were the guy who my ex cheated on since I didn't know your name," Yeri laughed a little, while Taehyung just nodded his head, Haneul walked to his as he wanted to be carried by his mom. He picked him up, and started to fix his curly hair.

"I see your son is doing well, but how are you and Jeongguk?"

"Oh well we're doing amazing," Taehyung mumbled, letting out a small smile as he blinked his tears away, he felt his heart clench just thinking how many fights they had over the past weeks.

"That's great to hear," she smiled, as he smiled at the little boy who smiled back and started giggling.

"And you are with anyone," he asked quietly. Then she nodded.

"Actually yes, I met this guy. His name is Minhyun's, he's such a sweetheart," she said, her tip of her ears getting a slight pink.

"That's good to hear," Taehyung said, as he got up from the chair he was sitting on.

"It was nice seeing you, but better get going since its getting dark and I don't want Haneul to get sick," Taehyung said as he bowed his head a little and started walking right after she said a good bye.


Taehyung got out his keys from his pocket, and unlocked the door. Yoongi and Jimin were cuddled up against another watching a movie, not paying attention to Taehyung who was entering the building.

He walked up to them clearing his throat which started them. The first thing that Jimin said was, "You guys got in a fight again?" Jimin said, frowning.

"This time I saw him kissing a girl," Taehyung said, letting the little boy run up to his uncle Yoongi. Yoongi took him to the guest room putting on some cartoons.

"That fucking shit head," Jimin spoke up as he clenched his mouth. And pulled Taehyung into a hug, Taehyung cried onto his shoulder, as he tried to stop himself from crying.

"Why does Haneul have to have a dad like this? He never keeps his promises. This isn't the first time I caught him cheating. I should've never accepted his purpose I-I should've just left him. I fucking hate him!" Taehyung yelled out as he let out his sobs. Yoongi sat down in front of them but then they heard little foot steps coming near them.

"Mama! Cwying!" Haneul said as he pointed at his mom and ran up to him hugging him gently.

"Baby go watch your cartoons," Taehyung sniffled, wiping off his tears. He hates it when his baby has to see him crying.

Jimin got up hearing a knock at the door. He opened the door, and Jeongguk came in.

"Baby! I was looking for you." Jeongguk said as he came closer to Taehyung, but he moved away from him as he knew he was trying to get Taehyung to forgive him.

"Jeongguk no," he said bluntly, he kept.

"Baby listen to me, I didn't kiss her!"

"Then what? She pulled you into the kiss, so the other people that I found you sleeping with, you didn't sleep with them they forced you? Jeongguk i'm not stupid," he cried out, he got up trying to get away from Jeongguk.

"FOR FUCK SAKES I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!" Jeongguk lost his patients, he slapped Taehyung across his cheek, making him almost fall. Jimin gasped Yoongi tried to make Jeongguk let go of Taehyung but he didn't.

"DO YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE YOU I SAW ALL THE MESSAGES, YOU WERE SPEAKING TO OTHER WOMEN!" Taehyung yelled when he stopped when he heard his son start crying.

"Mama, dada!" He cried out, Taehyung's heart broke. He tried to release himself from his grip.

Jimin picked up the little crying boy, but he ran up to his dad only for Jeongguk to hit the little innocent baby. Taehyung gasped as he pushed himself off him. He hugged the little crying boy who started crying harshly. "Dada!" He cried as he saw his dad leave, he wanted to go with his dad.

"This won't have happened if you didn't just believe me," Jeongguk chuckled as he left the house.

Taehyung hugged his baby who wouldn't stop crying, he held his aching cheek as he felt a trickle of blood fall from his nose.

He wiped it with his sleeve. Jimin sat down next to Taehyung hugging him sideways.

"Can you guys leave me alone for a bit?" Taehyung asked as he looked up at Jimin and Yoongi with teary eyes. They both nodded and got up leaving the two alone.


Taehyung stood on the ground for a good full two hours, he rocked his baby to sleep until he stopped crying. Taehyung looked at his sleeping boy. His side of his cheek getting bruised. Taehyung placed his fingers gently.

He cried out seeing his baby hurt. "This is my fault," Taehyung blamed himself.

"He was right I should've just believed him nothing like this would've happened." He wiped his tears that kept falling. He hated himself for all this disaster.

"I'm sorry baby,"


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