☆Chapter 24☆

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Yeri woke up, feeling the bed cold. She turned around, noticing that Jeongguk left. She felt her head throbbing harshly against her skull. She heard footsteps approaching, and the door soon opened. Jeongguk stood there giving her an awkward smile. "Where have you been?" She asked, sitting up rubbing her eyes trying to wake herself up.

"I was out. I forgot to leave something at the office," he lied, he didn't feel bad.

She hummed as she looked at her phone getting a text.

'Come meet me. At the coffee shop near the mall now.' She got up from the bed, quickly put on her tights with a sweatshirt and hurried out the door.

"Yeri? Where are you headed too?" He stood up, standing in front of her. She let out a gulp and pulled him into a small kiss. "I'm just heading to a coffee shop to get some pastries I want," she smiled gently.
Jeongguk nodded his head and let her go.


"Yoongi, why did you call here?" She said sitting down across the boy who had a serious face. He let out a sigh.

"I saw Jeongguk’s car at my boyfriends place,"

"Huh? You think Jeongguk is cheated on me with your boyfriend?" She questioned taking a sip of her coffee.

"I don't think he would ever do that," she let out a chuckle. Yoongi looked at her holding a glare.

"No. I was with Jimin the whole night. I went to drop him off at his apartment, and I saw Jeongguks’s car there. Jimin's friend was there and he lives with Jimin."

"Yoongi first, we might not even be sure if he's cheating on me,"

"Of course fucking not, he's going to do everything to hide it, so you won't fucking know," he yelled out and left her. She was frustrated and rubbed her hands trying to soothe her headache.

"He's just busy. Being a CEO isn't easy, work and work," she got up leaving the coffee shop and she put both of her hands on her tummy.


Yeri was caressing her little five week baby bump, she didn't go to any of her ultrasound appointments since she wasn't feeling to good.

She felt a sharp pain her her lower abdomen. She winced thinking nothing of it as she continued to watch the show she was watching. Two more minutes have passed and yet again she felt the pain once more.

This time the pain got worse, she felt as if some stabbed her right on her stomach. She tried to reach her phone but ended up falling.

Yeri held her stomach as she felt the enduring pain continue. She cried out in pain. Clutching her stomach she felt a wet feeling underneath her.

"Jeongguk!" she yelled but she didn't hear a response. He must have left already.

She cried out in pain as she looked down, touching the puddle of blood around her. Yeri sobbed loudly, she felt someone's arms wrap around her body. He was whispering sweet nothings in her ear. He tried to calm her down, but the loss of her baby made her feel sick crying in Yoongi's arms.


Jeongguk was at a meeting with all his employees, "To have higher-" his phone started ringing interrupting the whole meeting. He looked at who was calling. He picked up the call. He excused himself.

"Yeri, I'm in a meeting-"

"Jeongguk it's...Yeri she had a miscarriage…"  Yoongi sighed through the phone. Jeongguk ended the call.

"Meeting over, we'll continue the meeting tomorrow." Jeongguk told everyone who was in the room. They picked up their stuff and left. Jeongguk was left alone, he let out a chuckle. He didn't know what he felt but he sure did feel as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders.


"Yeri? What happened!" Jeongguk yelled as he barged into the hospital room. She laid there staring blankly at the white plain ceiling.

"Jeongguk," she teared up. She hugged him right when he stood next to her. She started crying, yelling out her sorrys.

"It's alright, it's not your fault." He remembered how Taehyung was as well crying when he almost had a miscarriage.


"Ggukie, I missed you," the pregnant boy said, hugging Jeongguk tightly and pulling him into a gentle kiss.

"I missed you too princess," he mumbled, and gave him a tired smile.

"Yeri, had a miscarriage," Jeongguk exclaimed, sitting down, Taehyung stood their shocked.

"Jeongguk...I-I I'm sorry to hear that-"

"Don't be baby," he pulled him close to himself Taehyung cuddled next to him feeling the warmth, Taehyung wasn't sure how to feel about what happened to Jeongguk. He didn't look sad whatsoever.



Taehyung wanted to ask him if he felt sad or not, but he refused to ask anything, so he just pecked Jeongguks cheek. Jeongguk was caressing Taehyung's tummy right when he felt the baby start kicking again.


Losing your own child is hard, especially for Yeri. She hasn't been doing well lately. She sat on her bed reading a book, caressing Jeongguk's hair who was sleeping already.

He has been spending more time with Yeri, he's still been talking to Taehyung but it was rare for them to talk all the time now. Yeri was suspecting something when she reached for Jeongguk's phone.

His phone was on the nightstand on his other side. She leaned in carefully not to wake up the sleeping male. She tried grabbing it but it ended up falling. Jeongguk woke, blinking his tired eyes.

"What fell?" He asked tiredly.

"I wanted to check the time but your phone fell," she lied. She wanted to see who he was always texting for hours.

"Mhm, it's eleven-thirty four" he exclaimed putting his phone under his pillow. She cursed at herself, she got ready to head to bed.

It felt like hours, until she finally ended up sleeping. Jeongguk on the other hand pretended to be asleep. He got out his phone and texted Taehyung asking him how he was and this and that. Until he as well fell asleep.

A/n: A couple of chapters more than this book will be over! <3

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