☆Chapter 19☆

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Three weeks passed by and Taehyung felt better in that week he got sick. His baby bump was getting big and Taehyung's hands were always on his tummy. And Jeongguk always smiled at that.

Jeongguk and Taehyung walked hand in hand around the park feeling the cold freezing breeze against their body's.

"Ggukie do you have any names for our son yet?"

"I was think naming our son Haneul

"That's a cute name Haneul. Hannie," Taehyung remarked as he hugged Jeongguk and he hugged back wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I love you my Ggukie" Taehyung planted a kiss on his cheek and Jeongguk said I love you back, capturing his lips and kissing him passionately underneath the three. Taehyung giggled as Jeongguk grabbed his hand and kissed his thin fragile hand.


Jeongguk came home not before dropping Taehyung at his house, and headed back to his house.

He was currently texting Taehyung, with a huge smile on his face. He was smiling like an idiot at his phone until he got startled as he felt Yeri hug him from behind him.

"Jeongguk, where were you? I tried to call you but you didn't answer me!" She whined and Jeongguk mentally rolled his eyes at her.

"I was busy, planning out my schedule," he said in a slightly annoyed tone as he stood up straight and she let go of him. He was heading out to go to his gym but was stopped when Yeri spoke up.

"Jeongguk I have some important news to tell you, but promise me you won't freak,"

"Are you going back to your mom's house for a week? Like I said you don't have to ask me if you can go or not,"

"No it's not that Gguk, but I don't know if your ready to hear this,"

"God Yeri just, speak already," Jeongguk rolled his eyes and she gulped a bit, feeling nervous.

"I'm pregnant"


"Jimin, I'm telling you he's so nice and adorable I just wanna kiss him multiple times," Taehyung squealed, and Jimin just chuckled, rolling his eyes.

"Tae, can you talk of something else instead of Jeongguk you've been talking about him this past hour."

"Sorry Chim, but he's my baby's daddy so hush,"

"But...have you talked to Yoongi at all?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"What no he hasn't talked to me so I'm not talking to him either,"

"You're playing hard to get eh?" Taehyung had a smug smirk and Jimin just slapped him slightly.

"Hey! Don't hit me, I'm pregnant!" Taehyung shouted at Jimin playfully while Jimin just laughed.

"But really you should just talk to him, or I'll call him and force you two to talk," Taehyung pouted as he wanted to see Yoongi and Jimin back together again.

"To be honest here I don't think Yoongi really likes me,"

"Why do you say that Tae?"

"Well he was giving me dirty looks when I was with Jeongguk that time we went shopping," he pouted again.

"I'm sure Yoongi does like you, he's just the type to not show it," Jimin spoke up as he side hugged Taehyung who leaned and rested his head on his shoulder.


"Yeri stop joking around," Jeongguk laughed, and she stared at him, he saw the slight glance of her hurt in her eyes.

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