☆Chapter 23☆

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"Coming!" She shouted as she headed to open the door.

"Yoongi what brings you here?" She asked with a questionable look.

"I'm here to talk about Jeongguk,"

"Jeongguk, what about him? Did something happen to him?" She started to panic. Yoongi placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"No it's not like that, but have you seen him acting strange lately?"

"No? I don't really know since he's been gone for all those business meetings and trips."

"Meetings? When?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes.

"Before me and Jeongguk let to start celebrating our anniversary together. Anyways, what's up with the questions?" Yeri let out a chuckle. As she fidget with her wedding ring.

"Yeri I think you should know but I saw Jeongguk going out with this guy."

"They must be friends or some sort, maybe childhood friends and they met again after all those years. You don't think he's cheating behind my back with another person right?" She asked, her eyes tearing up.

"Yeri this why I'm telling you about that guy I don't think they're just friends. If I see something I'll tell you." He got up leaving Yeri alone with her thoughts.

Now that she thought of it. Yeri and Jeongguk took a walk to the park. That boy who stood in front of them. Who was he? He was pretty, Yeri thought and that time when she saw- her thoughts were interrupted by the door opening.

"Yeri I'm home"Jeongguk exclaimed as he went into the living room seeing Yeri there with a fond smile.

"Jeongguk where have you been? It's late."

"Baby I told you I was at a meeting today again work has been stressing me out," he stretched out as he loosen his tie.

"Yeah you surely must be tired," she spotted something on his neck, something that looked like a hickey? "What's that on your neck?" She asked Jeongguk to look at her with a confused look. Then he touched his neck. Shit. Taehyung.

"Must be a mosquito bite," he shrugged, and Yeri just nodded her head remembering what Yoongi said. No it can't be. She just let out a chuckle. Jeongguk looked at her, staring at her with a questionable face.


Yeri looked at the ceiling, the dark moonlight shining through the currents. She couldn't sleep. Tossing and turning she tried every position to fall asleep. She groaned, feeling irritated, and turned around looking at Jeongguk, who was soundly asleep.

She looked at his neck, remembering the 'mosquito bite' she placed her hand on where the mark was at. She touched it gently. Squinting her eyes trying to see in the dark night.

Her fingers lingered on his neck until she flinched, almost letting out a scream. Jeongguk grabbed her wrist, removing it from his neck.

"What were you doing?" Jeongguk asked tiredly, he let out a yawn.

"Nothing" she said quickly, she got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom she felt sick. She sat on the ground staring at the marble floor.

Jeongguk touched the love bite that Taehyung left, he scratched it with his nails. "Shit Taehyung" Jeongguk mumbled as he forgot to cover up.


Taehyung woke up in the middle of the night as he was craving something to eat, he wanted a hamburger. Yes a hamburger and he wanted it now. He would've told Jimin to go get him a burger but he wasn't home nor was he gonna come home.

Taehyung glanced at his phone, checking the time. 2:43 am. Taehyung smiled cheekily as he grabbed his phone and started calling the person he called the most.

"Hello?" Said a quiet voice which sounded tired.

"Gguk? Can you do me a favor?"

"Mhm? Depends on what it is,"

"Can you bring me a burger from that one place?" Taehyung said shyly, he felt embarrassed. Asking for food at two in the morning like who would do that? Taehyung would.

"Really? At this hour?" Jeongguk chuckled.

"It's not me it's our son who wants to eat," Taehyung pouted cutely as he felt his face heat up.

"Okay okay whatever you say," Jeongguk chuckled, he hung up the phone. He got a sweater on and headed but before he left he went to see if Yeri was alright.

He opened the door to the bathroom. And saw Yeri pass out on the bathroom floor. She was sleeping peacefully. He picked her up and carried her to their shared bed, placing her gently. Then he left going to Taehyung's place.


"About time, your here I thought I would've died of starvation," he said dramatically. Jeongguk just laughed.

Taehyung was eating his burger and taking a spill of his cola. "This is so good!" Taehyung remarked, taking another bite.

"Here try some," Taehyung placed the burger close to Jeongguk's face and he shook his head.

"I'm good princess." He said tiredly.

"Just try some!" Taehyung yelled a bit angrily, his mood swings kicking in again.

"Okay okay I will" Jeongguk said, looking at the mad pouty Taehyung. He took a bite.

"Ya! Not too much you dickhead!" Taehyung mumbled as he continued to munch on his burger while glaring at Jeongguk.

He chuckled, placing a gentle kiss on his neck. He placed his hand on Taehyung's tummy, rubbing it gently.

"Are you gonna stay the night?" Taehyung asked a bit harshly and Jeongguk knew it was his mood swings. He was used to it since he got yelled at and experienced Taehyung scolding him for washing the dishes wrongly.

"Do you want me too?"

"I don't care if you do or don't," he said sassily. He took a sip of his drink before laying back in bed.

Jeongguk got up but was stopped by Taehyung. "We're the hell, do you think your going, rudeass?"

"You said-"

"I don't care what I said now, come cuddle me and our son." Jeongguk let out a laugh as he hugged Taehyung by the back and placed his hands on his tummy before they drifted off to sleep.

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