☆Chapter 29☆

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"Fuck, be a good girl for me and sit her while I get the lube" he grumbled under his breath leaving love bites along her already marked skin.

"What about your fiance? Won't he find out?" She let out a moan as Jeongguk took off her trousers.

"He already found out, he was crying like a fucking whore." Jeongguk chuckled as he ran his hands on her body.

He got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom grabbing the lube. "Now listen to your boyfriend, princess" he said caressing her delicate face, planting kisses letting out euphoric moans.

"You like that don't you, Yoo-bi like being a fucking slut for me?" Jeongguk said removing  her silk blood-red bra. He left dark purple hickeys on her breasts making her buck her hips up want to be touch down there. She wanted more and Jeongguk will give her more, he'll do anything to make her feel good and needy just for him. He loved her and she loved him back.


Taehyung gasped as he woke up, he was in the guest room. He looked at his son who was still sleeping soundly. His cheek was more bruised than last night. Taehyung rubbed his face as he looked at his phone checking all the notifications from Jeongguk.

He typed up a message, 'let's get divorced,' he threw his phone at the ground. Why? How? What? What went wrong with their relationship. He choked a sob. "I guess this is Karama?" Taehyung chuckled through his tears. He got up from his bed and headed to we're Jimin was cooking some breakfast.

"How did you sleep?" Jimin asked Taehyung, who placed his chin on his shoulder.

"Honestly like shit, I dunno what went wrong with our relationship. I feel like this is all my fault." Taehyung mumbled as he wiped off his tears.

"Tae, it not your fault, he's just a dick head who can't love my beautiful best friend,"

"I'll be divorcing him," Taehyung said and Jimin just nodded, pulling Taehyung into a hug. Taehyung pulled apart from Jimin as he heard Haneul crying loudly. He rushed to the room and carried the crying baby, he soothed him down as the baby calmed down.


Taehyung sat in front of his son, putting a bandaid on his knee. As he fell, tripping over his car toys and scraping his knee making it bleed.

"Thank you mama," the three year old said, hugging his mom tightly and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Taehyung smiled softly, he got up from the floor he was sitting on. Three years passed and he and Jeongguk were divorced. Taehyung still felt the same way before they got a divorce, he still loved him, but it was better for the both of them.

He still couldn't apologize, ever since he hit Haneul. Taehyung was sitting on the couch as he was watching his son play by himself.

Jeongguk was doing fine, he got married again with someone, and his partner was expecting a baby. Taehyung was hurt when he heard the news, but he was happy for Jeongguk.

Jeongguk and him were still talking but he knew he didn't feel the same way as him any more and he moved on, even though he still came to visit Haneul.

Haneul didn't like to spend the night over at his dad's house, since he didn't like his wife.

His phone started to ring and it was Jeongguks, "Hey Taehyung, is it alright if Haneul stays the night so he can see his brother?"

"Let me ask him since he doesn't like staying there,"

"Taehyung can't you just drop him off," Taehyung hung the phone up, he knew Jeongguk would get mad but he didn't really care.

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