☆Chapter 21☆

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"Yeri I'm heading to the restroom,"

"Okay but hurry back before the doctor comes," she remarked as she placed her hands on top of her belly, reminding Jeongguk of a certain someone who has a habit of doing that.

He was walking until he stopped in his tracks. He heard his name being called out, he turned to see who it was.

"Jeongguk!" Jeongguk pulled Taehyung into the bathroom as Taehyung let out a small whimper, his back hitting the back wall.

"Princess, what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same." He said rubbing his tummy.

"First of all Baby the doctor said that you should be in bed rest for about a week or so,"

"Shut up, I feel perfectly fine and strong, and I have an ultrasound appointment today which you didn't even answer my texts to see if you were coming or not but I guess you're going to Yeri's" Taehyung frowned as he pushed Jeongguk off of him. He headed to the room the doctor was waiting for him.

Jeongguk sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. He headed back to the room where Yeri was at and she smiled at him sweetly.


Taehyung left the room as he carried the ultrasound pictures in his hands looking at his little baby that was in his tummy.

Taehyung looked up as he heard two familiar voices. He looked up seeing the two kissing as Yeri laughed into the kiss. Taehyung looked at them with a bitter sweet smile. Jeongguk looked at Taehyung, making contact for about a second, until Taehyung walked away.

"Sure he has time for her, going to their ultrasound together, while I need to wait for about a month for him to go more like I was forcing him to go," Taehyung mumbled as he was walking to one of the nearest café, since he was starving.

He sat down on the booth, holding his order and placing it on the table. He grabbed his fork and took a bite of his strawberry cake. He gasped seeing Jeongguk and Yeri come in hand in hand making him bubble up with jealousy.

"Damn bitch" he mumbled under his breath, he grabbed his hot chocolate and his boxed cake. Getting up and leaving.

He felt the burning of Jeongguk's stare. He turned around, making sure to glare at him before leaving.


"JIMIN!" Taehyung yelled out as he entered the apartment building he heard loud moans coming from Jimin's room. He didn't knock on the door but instead he barged in covering his eyes.

"You shit heads stop fucking in my apartment building when I'm here!" He remarked. He made the two horny males stop fucking as they instead groaned getting off from eachother.

"Can this day get any better," Taehyung mumbled as he held out his favorite fluffy blanket covered in none other than Jimin's and his fuck buddy semen.

He went into his room slamming the door shut, placing his cake and chocolate in his night stand. He laid on his back. Looking at the ceiling.

He covered his eyes with the palm of his hands. He let out his cries that he held in this whole day. He felt like shit. Complete shit. Why? Just why? Why did he have to fall in love with a guy who was already married to this beautiful lady?

A/n: Sorry short chapter, I still hope you enjoy my loves! And thank you so much for 2k reads means a lot to me!


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