☆Chapter 4☆

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Taehyung woke up from his slumber as a wave of nasuise hit him. He went to the bathroom kneeling down and vomiting. After he was down he quickly went to rinse out his mouth and went to bed as he was too tired to get up, he opened his social media and scrolled down. Taehyung didn't notice the door opened until Jimin called his name in a tired sleepy voice. 

“Tae Bear are you okay I hear you throwing up” he murmured rubbing his tired eyes, as he laid down next to Taehyung while closing his eyes. 

Taehyung put his phone down and looked at Jimin, “Yeah i'm okay Jimine, just food poisoning or something”  he said ignoring the soreness in his upper chest. 

“Do you wanna go see Seokjin later?” Jimin asked Taehyung, who was already slowly drifting off, to sleep. 

“Sure why not,” he murmured, slowly closing his eyes he fell asleep with his phone in his hand, 

“Get some sleep then, i'll make breakfast” Jimin chuckled, getting up from the bed and heading to the kitchen to make food for Taehyung. 

One hour later Taehyung woke up, still feeling tired. He went to the kitchen and saw Jimin eating alone while he was texting someone on his phone. “You're finally awake sleeping beauty” Jimin chuckled as Taehyungn was pouting. 

“Jimin why didn’t you wake me up?” Taehyung complained in his pouty cute pouty lips. “You were soundly asleep, I didn't wanna bother you,” Jimin replied, making Taehyung just nod his head, as he went to get his breakfast. 

“Are we going to see jin-hyung then?” 

“Yes we are, and we finally met his cute baby boy!” Jimin chirped excitedly as he couldn't wait to see the cute innocent baby. 

“Right he had a kid with Namjoon.Did they get a divore or are they still together?” Taehyung asked. Ever since Seokjin got pregnant with Namjoon’s and his kid they have been arguing non-stop. Namjoon wanted him to get an aborting but Jin always disagreed telling him that he wanted to keep their baby and that he was happy, and if he wasn't then he could leave. Namjoon left for a two months making Seokjin upset, soon Namjoon came back apologizing to Jin for everything and Jin accepted the apology. Later when everything was alright they got married. 

“They're still together, I'm glad Namjoon realized how happy Jin is with their kid” Jimin said, smiling Taehyung just nodding his head as he was stuffing his mouth with food. 

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