☆Chapter 10☆

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Jimin arrived super late at night. He felt exhausted, he turned on the lights, he saw Jeongguk and Taehyung cuddling making, he grabbed the nearest slipper he found chucking at Jeongguk making him wakeup holding his head in pain, "What the fuck are you doing here?!" Jimin yelled, making Taehyung wake up as he glared at him.

"Yeah! Jimin shut the fuck up I'm fucking tired!" Taehyung yelled back, Jimin looked at him pointing at Jeongguk, he tried to speak up but was lost with words.

"Oh my god Taehyung, here I need to speak to you really quickly, it's important," Jimin sighed, dragging Taehyung to his room and locking the door.

"What the fuck are you doing with!," he whispered.

"Chim, he apologized to me, and I forgave him-"

"Taehyung! I don't want him to hurt you again, please Tae you can't be with him! I don't want that stupid prick to making you feel like shit again,"

"Jimin please calm down, this is his last chance he's getting, plus I don't want my baby to grow up without a dad like I did!" Taehyung sighed in exhaustion leaving the room. Jimin stood there alone in the room. He really cared about his best friend and he couldn't stand him being hurt again.


"Mama?" A little boy who was only 5 years old and who was innocent, and always curious about little things asked his mom who kept on crying non-stop.

"Where's papa? How come he hasn't come back?" He asked his mom, reaching for her hand who was only to be shoved. She looked at him with her red swollen teary eyes. Taehyung gave her a small childish smile to cheer her up, she only glared at Taehyung.

He took a step back as his mom stood up. She slapped him right across his face shouting at him,"Because of you he left us! Because of you! If you never existed he would have still been with me!" His mom cried out yelling at him, making the little boy crying not know what he did wrong.

A couple days have passed and her mother was locked in her bedroom not talking to the small boy or anything he knocked on the door but no answer was heard, sometimes his mom came out of the room, ignoring Taehyung who asked her questions.

"Mama, why are you ignoring me! it's not funny anymore?!" Taehyung asked, his mom glared at him, "Get away you useless brat!" She yelled, shoving Taehyung, making him fall on his butt.

Taehyung went into his room crying still not knowing what he did wrong, Years and years came making Taehyung turn ten his mom rarely talked. Both just ended up doing their own thing without their bothering .

He was never close to his mom and he always wondered why his dad left them in the first place, all those years he always wondered why until now.

He made money without his mom knowing, he worked at the strip club when he was seventeen and eventually moved out of his house at the age of eighteen his mom not even asking him why he's moving or anything.

When he started working at the club for about a week he met Park Jimin, one of the top dogs of the club.

Who soonly turned out to be the closest friends and taught him everything about how to work at the club and how to make more money and how to get the most clients out of anyone in the club.

-End of flashback-


"Gguk can we go to your place?" Taehyung asked, wrapping his arms around Jeongguk's neck and giving him pecks on his lips. Jeongguk nodded his head, leaving a love mark on his neck.

"Enough you horny man," Taehyung laughed while letting go of him and grabbed some of his stuff to head to his place.


Taehyung has been ignoring Jimin for about a week or so. Jimin tried to call him and text him but Taehyung ignored him since he was with Jeongguk spending a little time with him, and having another time of fun.

"So Jeongguk when are you gonna divorce your wife?" Taehyung said, looking at his hand, he slipped one of Jeongguk's rings. He admired the black diamond ring which was a bit big on his slender fingers.

"Soon princess" is all that Jeongguk said, making Taehyung frown, not satisfied with the answer he was given.

"And? When's soon?" He asked, taking the phone and looking at who he was texting with.

"Who are you talking to?" Taehyung asked Jeongguk to reach for his phone but Taehyung stopped, as he stood up and kept avoiding Jeongguk.

"Jeongguk? Your texting Soo-young? Really? Your fucking neighbor? You gotta be fucking kidding!" Taehyung yelled, chucking Jeongguk's phone on the ground, making the screen shatter.

"Princess wait I can explain-"

"How many times is Jeongguk? Do you not fucking care that your gonna be a dad soon? Are you just gonna keep making the same excuse again and again? I fucking had enough with you!" Taehyung yelled, walking towards the door and slipping on his shoes along with his coat.

He slammed the door behind him echoing throughout the hallway, he let out an ugly sob holding releasing all his bottled up tears and pain he held back, he whipped his relentless tears that kept falling.

He bumped into some, making him apologize to them saying a small apology. He wouldn't have said an apology to that stranger if he knew who it was, Soo-young passed by him smirking seeing the boy cry.


"You were right Jimin. I should have listened to you! He was texting Soo-young! Telling her to come over after I leave!" Taehyung sobbed against Jimin's chest, who wrapped his arms protectively around the petite male.

"I can't believe it! I shouldn't even be crying for that stupid prick, he's nothing to me were, nothing were just using eachother," Taehyung let out a small whimper as he held in his sobs.

"Tae Baby listen to me you don't need him, your strong with out him, and if he doesn't want to be in your child's life than he fuck off."

"Your right" Taehyung sniffled, "Anyways i'm having a special visitor who is my new boyfriend, that I met at the club not too long ago" Jimin remarked making Taehyung gasp out, "And you didn't tell me?"

"I was going to tell you yesterday but y'know" Jimin said, petting Taehyung's soft fluffy hair. Jimin heard a knock on the door, making him get up from his spot opening the door. "It must be him, he is such a sweetheart!" He exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

He opened the door revealing someone he wasn't expecting. His smile soon turned into a frown, as Jeongguk who stood there with a bouquet of roses on his hand and a big giant teddy on the other.

A/n: Enjoy my angels <3

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