☆Chapter 15☆

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Taehyung snuggled closer to him whispering an 'I love you' back. Taehyung was still a bit shocked that he said I love you since it was his first time saying it.

"Can we go to your place Ggukie?" Taehyung asked with pleading eyes as he didn't want to be in the club any more. Jeongguk nodded his head and waited for Taehyung outside as he was getting dressed up.


Another week has passed and Taehyung was currently arguing with his boss who wouldn't let him quite his job.

"Please Bogum, I don't want to work here for personal reasons!" Taehyung yelled he was keeping his secret of him being pregnant he just doesn't want him to know.

"You've been working here for more than a year, why quit now? You're the reason why we have business, everyone wants to see you," he puffed air into Taehyung's face, making him feel more angered.

"I don't give a fuck I am quiting and I don't care you can find some other stripper that would love to be slut for your fucking customers!" He yelled earning a slap from Bogum he sighed running his fingers through his hair roughly.

Taehyung's eyes formed tears in the corner of his eyes. Taehyung walked away turning towards the exit but got stopped by his boss.

"You're not leaving baby," he asked as he pulled his jaw tight and pulled him into a forceful kiss, Taehyung tried to push him away.

"Let go of me you bastard!" Taehyung yelled his lunges out as he started to kiss down his neck leaving wet sloppy kisses. Taehyung felt disgusted at this moment and started sobbing.

"Let go please" he started pleading, pushing him off of him. But he wouldn't move. Taehyung started to hesitate.

Bogum started to unbutton his shirt. He tried to remove Taehyung's sweatshirt, before a punch landed on his cheek making him tumble onto the ground.

"Your not laying one fucking finger on him you bastard!" The furious Jeongguk yelled as he kept throwing punches at his face.

"Jeongguk! Stop please!"Taehyung pleaded as Jeongguk didn't stop throwing punches at him, Bogum was already coughing up his own blood and Jeongguk threw on more punches until he got up.

He came closer to the sobbing male and embraced him in arms as he gave him a sweet soft kiss.

"Let's get out of here princess" Jeongguk said as he picked him up, carrying him, bridal style as Taehyung cuddled closer to him feeling safe.

"Your place?" Taehyung managed to stay between his hiccups. His eyes were puffy and red and Jeongguk just nodded his head as he kissed him gently on top of his forehead.

"Hey Jimin you should hop in I'll take you to your place,"

"Oh sure thanks" Jimin got inside the car as he got in the back seat as he sat next to Taehyung who was sniffling as he was about to sleep.


Taehyung was cuddled up against Jeongguk's chest, while he was in deep sleep.

Taehyung got up as he heard Jeongguks phone started ringing and ringing non-stop. He groaned he was already comfortable in his position. He reached to grab the phone seeing his wife calling.

He frowned as he looked at the contact name, until he decided to wake Jeongguk up from his slumber.

He shook him a couple of times but still didn't wake up until Taehyung pulled him in a deep kiss. Making Jeongguk wake up and wrap his buff arms around his petite waist.

"About time, sleepy head your wife is calling," Taehyung said, laying on top of Jeongguk as he took his phone and answered the call.

"Morning Yeri,"

"Jeongguk how come you didn't come home last night I waited for you until like 4 in the fucking morning!" She yelled through the phone giving Jeongguk a headache.

"Sorry baby but I forgot to tell you I have a business trip and I won't be back until two weeks or so."

"2 weeks?! Jeongguk, did you forget that we still have to go to my sister's wedding. How can you forget this information?" Jeongguk widened his eyes as realization hit him that he forgot everything about the wedding.

"Yeri baby calm down I'll see if I can make it okay?"

"You better Jeongguk her wedding is in five fucking days," with that being said she hung the phone on him, Taehyung bursted into fits of laughter.

"A business trip really?" Taehyung laughed one more time, making Jeongguk smile as well.

"What am I supposed to tell her, 'I didn't come last night I was busy taking care of this sexy man I met at a strip club who's like a prince to me which he's also caring my baby inside him'," Taehyung started laughing more as he placed a gentle kiss on Jeongguk's cheek.

Jeongguk placed his hand on Taehyung's tummy, rubbing his hand in circles as he felt the soft yet hard baby bump. He went to Taehyung's tummy, leaving a kiss there.

Taehyung awed as he looked at Jeongguk who gave him a kiss on his baby bump. "Baby? Why don't you let me spoil you for these two weeks of being on a business trip?," Jeongguk said as he wrapped his arms while Taehyung just giggled, giving him kisses and more kisses.

"Sure, but your wife better not be shopping around or anything," Taehyung mumbled as he pulled Jeongguk closer to him.

"Of course not baby we will be careful not to get caught or anything" he remarked as Taehyung's silk robe fell off his shoulder and exposed it.

Jeongguk kissed the exposed soft skin leaving wet kisses along his collarbone. "Your so fucking sexy, princess" he kept leaving those wet sloppy love bites on his neck down under to his bare thighs.

He let out a small moan, his face turning a slight shade of red. "This early in the morning again?" He moaned out as Jeongguk slapped his ass, just nodding and continued to place one finger in side him.

Taehyung let out a loud moan as he scratched Jeongguk's back with his nails, feeling all the pleasure he let out even louder ones. Jeongguk just smirked.

He didn't stop what he was doing until Taehyung came, Taehyung tried to catch his breath from his high. "Come on princess, get your ass ready," Jeongguk said as he slapped his booty cheeks and head to get ready, leaving him in a blushing mess.

A/n: Enjoy! 😉

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