☆Chapter 22☆

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"Angel, do you think your daddy still loves us?" Taehyung sobbed as he talked to his unborn son. He placed his hand on his tummy. Two whole months have passed by. Jeongguk didn't call him or text him at all in these past months.

But it's whatever...

He gasped when he felt the little flutter in his belly. "Angel?" Taehyung covered his mouth. He kept feeling the little zaps on his tummy. He laughed, feeling the tickles. He was going to call Jimin until his phone was buzzing loudly.


"Why are you calling me?" He sniffled, wiping his eyes.

"Princess how have you been? I'm so sorry for not calling you or-"

"First you don't call me for more than two months nor leave a text. I was worried sick. Asking me if I'm fine when you know that I'm not. I almost had a miscarriage again and i bet you didnt know or cared. In this condition...I don't even know if our son will make it or if I'll make it while I give birth soon. But I'm trying not just for me but for you as well." He sobbed through the phone he hiccuped. The other line was silent.

"I'm sorry" all Taehyung heard. A small weak sorry. How did he even know if Jeongguk actually meant it?

"Jeongguk... look please just tell me if you do want to be in our son's life, if you don't want to and wanna focus with Yeri it's alright I'll understand why." He bit his lip as he kept feeling the little baby kicks.

"Baby princess look I do want to be involved in our son's life but...Yeri she's two months pregnant,"

"Jeongguk... we can always do split parenting. Just tell Yeri that I was just a one night stand and I was an absolute accident so you can focus on your life with her just please choose," he was tired of this being in a situation that stressed him out.

He looked at the call as he waited for a response. Jeongguk hanged the call. Taehyung sighed as he felt his son was still kicking.

"It's okay baby," Taehyung mumbled as he rubbed his belly. Jimin came in sitting next to him. "Hey Tae Bear, I'll be back. Do you want anything to eat?" Jimin asked kindly.

"Can you bring me just some strawberry cake and Boba tea?"

"Sure thing," Jimin spoke as he kissed his forehead and left Taehyung. He was curled up. In his warm blanket and was hugging his giant teddy bear that Jeongguk brought him.


Taehyung woke up as he felt his son kicking in his stomach harder than before, making him wince.

"Our baby is a kicker isn't he?" Jeongguk chuckled, making Taehyung startled.

"How did you get in here?" He asked as he tried to sit up.

"Spare key. When did our son start kicking?" Jeongguk asked as he looked at Taehyung's big belly.

"Today, I guess he's excited to see you, that's why he's kicking a lot," Taehyung gave a small smile as he wanted to kiss Jeongguk so badly.

Jeongguk knew what he wanted so he pulled Taehyung into a slow passionate kiss. Taehyung whimpered into the kiss as Jeongguk wrapped his arms around his waist.

"He's gonna be a kicker," Jeongguk chuckled.

"Jeongguk, why didn't you even call me at all?" Taehyung cuddled next to him and Jeongguk let out a sigh.

"Baby I was busy and Yeri we had our anniversary together as well. She wanted me to be with her since she's also carrying a baby. It's really annoying-"

"Do I get annoying like her?" Taehyung asked as he looked at him with his red puffy eyes.

"Of course not, baby! Also you're not just a one night stand, I'm glad that I met you that night, we wouldn't have had our son. " Jeongguk chuckled as he tucked a strand of hair behind his ear and gave him a kiss.

"Your right," Taehyung grabbed Jeongguks hand and placed it into his tummy. He felt the baby kick as he let out a chuckle.

Jimin barged in the room as he held a bang in his hand, "The fuck are you doing here!" He yelled out.

"Jimin calm down!"

"Tae, how can I be calm if he keeps going back and forth between his wife and you!"

"Jimin please not now," Taehyung gave him a stern look and Jimin just placed the items and glared at Jeongguk before he left.

"I'm sorry about Jimin. He can be like that sometimes," Taehyung grabbed the bag. Taking out his strawberry cake he wanted. He took a sip of his Boba. And then grabbed his cake and ate some.

"It's alright baby but do me a favor and please be in bed rest, I don't want anything to happen like last time or the time when I wasn't there for you."

"Jeongguk, don't worry" Taehyung kissed him. He landed on the bed along with Jeongguk hugging him.

He stayed with Taehyung for a couple more hours as he needed to head home when he left. Jimin started telling Taehyung why he should stop talking to Jeongguk. He gave him a long lecture but he knew Taehyung wouldn't listen since it was his son's dad so he gave up.

"You better not come crying to me saying Jeongguk this Jeongguk that. I warned you several times." Jimin groaned as he grew tired of trying to stop the boy from getting hurt once again.

He frowned, Taehyung was upset. "Fuck it" Jimin mumbled under his breathe as he went to hug Taehyung. "Please just not again," Jimin remarked sighing as Taehyung placed his head on his shoulder.

"Well you know Jimin, I just don't want to let him go. But if he doesn't want to be with me than I'll understand that,"

"You better now I better get going, I have a date with someone,"

"And who is that someone?"


"Who exactly?"

"Minyoongi" Jimin said quickly so Taehyung wouldn't catch a word he said.

"Min Yoongi?" But that didn't work Taehyung caught on quickly. "When did you guys get back together?"

"A week ago...okay yeah sure we still talked but we didn't like fuck we just made out that it's now let me go, imma be late," Jimin said the tip of his ears turning a bright pink, and Taehyung just smiled at him.

"We'll talk about this later."

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