☆Chapter 27☆

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It's been a week. It's been hard for Taehyung. He was discharged from the hospital but every single day he went to the hospital, alone or with Jeongguk.

Taehyung was currently standing in front of the room, he placed his hands on the glass eyeing his baby who was asleep. He let out a sigh, but then he spotted the nurse leaving the room, "Excuse, do you know when I can take Haneul home?" He asked hopeful, the nurse looked at the paper on her clipboard as she read it.

"You can take him in the afternoon, it looks like your son is breathing normally and his heart rate is perfect. The only thing to worry about is his weight, but all you need to do is feed him regularly."

"Thank you so much," he said, relieved that finally he could carry his baby in his arms and care for him.

Taehyung left the hospital, he headed to call Jeongguk telling him the exciting news.


Jeongguk was sitting across Yeri, who looked down at the table. He slides the papers to her.

"Just sign it so we can get it over with,"

"Why? Why would you do this to me? Was I not enough for you Jeongguk?" She started to cry and Jeonguk let out a sigh.

"Yeri, we were younger when we got married, I only married you because of my parents I wanted to make them feel proud by doing something they would appreciate so I married you, I tried to gain feelings for you but I couldn't, I rather be in a relationship with someone I truly love." He said honesty as for Yeri she still loved him from day one. He was so sweet to her when they first met.

"Look Yeri just sign it here, you can find someone else better than me, someone who will genuinely love you," he tried to cheer her up. He wanted to leave and see his son. He waited for a call from Taehyung, waiting for him to talk about how their son was their baby, Haneul.

He was wasting his time there with her. He sighed, then he got a call from Taehyung. "Ba- I mean Taehyung, how's our son?" He asked as he got up from the table heading to somewhere else.

Yeri just looked up at him, as she wiped her tears that kept falling uncontrollable. He looked at the paper reading it over and over again. She grabbed the pen. She started signing it, she wanted him to be happy with the person he loved the most even though she got hurt thanks to him, losing their first child. Before Jeongguk came she signed the paper, she scribbled her signature on the paper.

Jeongguk came back putting his phone in his suit pocket, and he sat down again.
She slid the paper to him, pointing at where she signed it.

"Jeongguk, I'm sorry for not being enough for you but I want you to be happy with someone else, be happy with him and raise your son," she said with her teary eyes, she still felt heartbroken she didn't want to let him go. She just gave him a gentle smile.

He gave her a smile as he started to walk away. He headed to pick up Haneul and Taehyung from the hospital. He was excited to finally hold his baby in his arms.


"Oh my god you're finally here," Taehyung mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Jeongguk's neck and gave him a gentle kiss.

"She signed it," Jeongguk smiled warmly, and Taehyung gasped.

"Really?" He asked surprised, and Jeongguk nodded as the nurse walked to them, holding their baby in her hands.

"Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon, you can now take your son home," she handed the baby to Taehyung. He was so happy that his smile didn't leave his face. He touched his baby's soft delicate hands.

Jeongguk stood next to Taehyung, admiring the little baby, afraid that he would hurt his son.

"He's so cute," Taehyung cooed as he gave a little kiss on his baby's forehead.

They headed to the car after they checked themselves out from the hospital. Taehyung placed the baby in his car seat and wrapped him with a white fluffy cozy blanket Taehyung left in Jeongguk's car.


Taehyung headed to the store, as he needed to buy some baby supplies right now. He was walking with his cart pushing, trying to find the baby bottles.

Looking for the baby bottles, he accidentally pushed the cart, not noticing that he ran a person's foot with the cart.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry ma'am-"


Taehyung stood there, his facial expression, turned hard and rude as he looked at the person who was standing in front of him, he never wished to see this person ever again.

"I'm so ashamed of you," she said, shaking her head and crossing her arms looking at him with disgust.

"What are you talking about?" Taehyung snickered, not believing what she's talking about.

"I thought I raised you better than that, you unfaithful brat, you fucking peice of shit. Don't even ask how I know this. I thiught i rasied you well enough to not behave like such a thing," She rolled her eyes and she was ashamed of her own son.

"You think you raised me well? My whole life you convinced me that I was the reason dad left us. You always blamed me when I was just a kid! You never noticed what I went through at school." Taehyung yelled as he was getting tired of his own mom, blaming him for everything he did. He tried to be a better son when he was in school, getting his grades up, doing everything he could to make his mother proud.

He always brought art projects he made from school just to only get them torn apart by his own mother. Students made fun of him, they knew that his dad left and they believed he was the reason that he left.

She stood there silently not uttering a word, for a quick second Taehyung thought he saw a glimpse of guilt in her but no.

"Oh and one more thing, congratulations for being a grandma,"

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