☆Chapter 2☆

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(^  Taehyung's stage outfit black shoes not pink shoes)

It's been 4 weeks since Taehyung lost his virginity.

Taehyung was up stage swinging his hips, dancing in the pole moving seductively, making everyone in the strip club droll over him.

He wrapped his leg around the pole twirling and dancing seductively, right when he was going to get on the pole, a wave of nauseous hit him.

"Taehyung-" Jimin was caught off when Taehyung quickly got out of stage running towards the nearest bathroom.

He kneeled down throwing up everything he ate during lunch.

Jimin came in kneeling besides him rubbing his hand on his back in circles.

"Do you wanna go home?" Jimin asked, as he didn't want Taehyung to overwork himself.

"No, I'm good Jiminie," Taehyung said getting up and heading to the sink to rinse his mouth. 

"You sure, I can always ask Bogum hyung"

"I'm fine Jiminie, I'm just going to take a small break," Taehyung said walking out of the bathroom, he headed to the room were all the girls and boys got ready.

Jimin followed him getting his robe on, and applying some make up on.

"Fuck I'm so tried" Taehyung groaned putting on his white fur jacket on.

"You been riding to much dick that's why," Snarled Hyuna making her friends laugh, Jimin just glared at her and her friends, while Taehyung flipped them off.

Making Hyuna pissed. Taehyung was fixing his hair and applying more eyeshadow, Jimin just watched Taehyung as he already was done.

"Ah Taehyung! V! There you are!" Bogum the owner of the club said, making Taehyung smile a bit. Every one in the room besides Jimin was jealous, since Taehyung and Jimin are the popular ones who always get more clients then anyone else.

"You need something?" He asked making Bogum smile bigger.

"Yes yes! You have a client waiting for you! Jeon Jeongguk, the youngest ceo of South Korea!" Bogum exclaimed excitedly.

"I'll be there" Taehyung voiced giving him a thumbs up, as Bogum walked away.

"Good luck" Jimin said chuckling.

"You know it" Taehyung giggle softly.

He headed to the private rooms were body guards stood there.

He opened the door revealing a man with black curly-ish hair wearing an expensive suit as he lit up a cigarette.

"Hey mister, your not allowed to smoke here," Taehyung said sassily making the man face him with a smirk.

Taehyung grabbed the cigarette from the man's mouth and put it out on the ash tray.

"Your quiet good looking, Mr. Jeon" he exclaimed putting his hand on the ceo's chest rubbing his hand up and down seductively.

He pushed the black haired male on the small bed with velvet sheets, he got on top of him sitting in his lap.

He slowly took of his fur jacket making the ceo go crazy, Taehyung started to move his hips shamelessly, lifting his ass up and down.

The younger man wrapped his hands around Taehyung's curvy waist making its way down to his plum ass, slowly grabbing a handful and squeezing it.

"Ah~ Fuck" Taehyung moaned out, he placed his head on the man's shoulder as he started to feel tired but he kept going.

Taehyung was inches away from kissing the stranger he looked at his sweaty face, as he was groaning from pleasure.

"Fuck baby boy" he said, voice deep, as he groaned he placed a hand on Taehyung's neck pulling him close for a kiss.

They leaned in closer and closer, lips were less then an inch away, Taehyung closed his eyes slowly.

As they were about to kiss Jeongguk’s phone started ringing, interrupting the moment. Taehyung looked at the contact name ‘wife’. “You should answer it, Mr. Jeon,” he said in a demanding voice. 

“What do you want Yeri, i’m busy” he uttered annoyed. Taehyung started to laugh, then he leaned in Jeongguk's ear whispering, “Busy getting a lap dance.” 

“You fucking shut it!” Jeongguk whispered and shouted to Taehyung covering his mouth with his hand. “Ggukie are with some else?”

“No-” Jeongguk was caught off guard when Taehyung let out a fake loud moan, “Mhn~ Harder Mr. Jeon” He kept on moaning.

“Yeri, I'm on my way home” he said hanging up on her. 

Jeongguk grabbed Taehyung's waist flipping him over their position making Jeongguk on top of Taehyung and Taehyung in the bottom. “W-what are you doing?” Taehyung uttered nervously, gulping the lump on his throat that was forming.

“Shut it and enjoy it” 

“O-okay’ Taehyung said, embarrassedly.

Jeongguk grabbed the straps of Taehyung’s outfit and pulled it down until it reached his knees along with his black panties, he grabbed his tie and took it off as he wrapped Taehyung's hands with it. The CEO started to pinch Taehyung’s nipples making him squirm and moan at the same time. That's when Jeongguk smirked at all the marks on Taehyung's body. 

“Ah~ fuck Mr. Jeon” he moaned out making his face turn a bright red. 

“You like that baby?” 

“Mhn yes!” he replied. 

“Suck” demanded the CEO putting his two fingers in front of Taehyung, he opened his mouth and started sucking Jeongguk’s fingers, he twirled his tougne around as he sucked aggressively. 

Jeongguk pulled his fingers out of his mouth, connecting a string of saliva between the two of them. He grabbed Taehyung's inner thighs, seeing the purple-ish bruises and hickeys. He started leaving kisses on his inner tigh until he reached Taehyungs pink red hole, he then started gliding his tongue over Taehyung’s asshole, and started tongue fucking him. 

The boy underneath him was moaning like crazy, shoving Jeongguks head to go deeper. The CEO pulled out making Taehyung whine, he inserted his two fingers, thrusting them in and out, Taehyung gripped Jeongguk shoulders tightly as he started to reach his climax. 

Jeongguk curled his finger in Taehyung's hole trying to find his prostate. “H-harder, N-ngh”  Taehyung moaned loudly. Jeongguk kept on hitting his prostate again and again making the boy under him moan even louder, 
Taehyung was about to cum, “I-im c-cum-cumming m-mr. Jeon'' Taehyung started

“Cum for me baby” Jeongguk voiced while smirking at the boy under him who was such a mess underneath him. Right after that Taehyung’s white cum splattered and reached Jeongguks revealing chest. 

The Ceo sat next to Tahyeung, he leaned in to whispers in his ear “You might’ve forgotten since you were too drunk to remember, but you lost your vinfirtly to me,” he smirked, as he kissed Taehyung’s fluffy hair. 

“Y-you w-what?” Taehyung stared as he sat up, wiping off the sweat from his forehead. 

“I better get going now princess, see you next time” he assumed, taking out 500 dollar bills from his suit pocket as he put it next to Taehyung. He walked out of the room and left the strip club as if nothing happened.

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