☆Chapter 7☆

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Taehyung was snuggled up against Jeongguk. But sooner woke up as soon as he heard the door open revealing his wife standing there.

"Jeongguk!" She yelled, making Jeongguk groan, waking up, "What the hell do you want?" Jeongguk groaned again.

"You fucking-" she got cut off since her anger took over her and she went to pull Taehyungs hair tugging at his hair.

"Get your fucking hands off me" Taehyung said pushing her away almost making her fall.

"What is he doing with you in the same bed?" She questioned him out of breath, filled with anger, she wanted to slap Taehyung again but she held herself back.

"Yeri, I just let him sleep here since it was cold outside and I didn't want him to walk home in the cold." He said getting up and heading to where Yeri is. He wrapped his arms around her, and gave her small kisses on her neck, until they began kissing each other.

Taehyung looked at them he felt his heart stutter but than remind himself that they were nothing but just fuck buddies.

He got up, almost falling from all the rounds he had, and got Jeongguk's sweater and his shorts putting them on. He walked past the two who were already making out.

"Fuck you Jeongguk," Taehyung said before slamming the front door shut.


"Can you fucking believe it Jimin, God I fucking hate him!" Taehyung let out all his anger and hate, rumbling to Jimin.

"I can, Taehyung he has a wife y'know, you should probably stop this before you get hurt?" Jimin suggested.

"Damn it you're right, from now on I won't answer any of his calls or messages," Taehyung said dead serious.

"Good, now put some contour on, it looks as if Dracula fucked you up," Jimin exclaimed making Taehyung smile at him.


"Jesus Taehyung, I swear sex is a sport for you," Jimin chuckled looking at Taehyung who looked more thinner.

"You should try," Taehyung winked.

"Yeah and get my heart broken again, no thanks" Jimin chuckled while drinking his wine.

"Cheer up, you'll find the one eventually" Taehyung exclaimed, staring at his phone seeing all the messages from Jeongguk and all the missed calls.

"Tae? You haven't been getting morning sickness anymore have you?"

"Nope. Told ya I ain't prego" Taehyung winked, chugging down more wine.

"Have you even taken the test yet?"

"Nope! And I won't cause for a fact I know I'm not prego chim okay? Okay. Mama bear won't get prego, until a couple more years" Taehyung did a little dance while taking a sip of his red wine.

"Okay…" Jimin chuckled while watching his best friend dance to his favorite song.


"Another night of getting da moneyz" Taehyung laughed as he counted his dollar bills.

"Taehyung, someone's looking for you," Jimin said, grabbing Taehyung’s cash and keeping it safe until he came back.

"Ugh I swear, I just wanna go home" Taehyung whined walking off to where the person was at.

"What do you want me to do, give you a lap dance or… even better- watch the hell are you doing here?" Taehyung asked rolling his eyes at him, don't get him wrong he was still mad at Jeongguk.

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