☆Chapter 13☆

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"For fuck sakes can't you just come with me Jeongguk you haven't been coming with me to these appointments, and today will find out the gender of our baby! Don't you want to know?"

"Princess, I told you this already, I can't I have another meeting"

"Just canceled it!"

"Princess you know I can't-"

"Can't you stop making excuses! If you don't want to be in my baby's life then just say it! I'm tired of you always making these damn excuses! I wish I never met a prick like you!" Taehyung left with that slamming the door shut and leaving his condo, he was super down with him and Jeongguk arguing all the time which made Taehyung stress out. He was furious, all he wanted was just for Jeongguk to come with him for the very first time.


"Fucking bitch...I fucking hate you!" Taehyung groaned as he was getting ready to go to his ultrasound, he wore a simple plain black sweatshirt that he may or may not have stolen from Jeongguk's sweater collection. He wore his ripped jeans and headed out the door.

Not long after he was laying down on the bed as the nurse pressed down on his 12 week belly with the transducers. Taehyung looked at the screen looking at the little baby in his stomach. He closed his eyes for a few seconds but quickly opened them right as he saw, "Jeongguk what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, sitting up from the position he was in.

"Baby I came here to see what the baby's gender is," Jeongguk exclaimed walking to Taehyung and holding onto his hand, the doctor gently pushed Taehyung back down so he would lay down.

The doctor gasped lightly as he saw the result of the gender. "Do you guys want me to say the gender or do you want me to put the results in an envelope?" She asked politely, but Taehyung looked at Jeongguk as he wanted to know the gender already.

"Just tell us please," Taehyung said as the doctor wiped off the gel from his belly.

"You guys will be having a little boy " the doctor smiled nicely, while she handed the ultrasound sound pictures to them.

Taehyung gasped covering his mouth with the palms of his hands, he was excited to have a little mini them running around in their life's. Jeongguk smiled at Taehyung who kept rubbing his belly in circles.

"Gguk I can't believe we're gonna have a boy," Taehyung said with a half teared eye, as he held in his tears, Jeongguk just chuckled sweetly giving him a kiss on the top of his forehead.


Not long after they left the doctors, Taehyung dragged Jeongguk with him to go baby shopping. Taehtubg was in a happier mood since Jeongguk came to the doctor's appointment.

"Did you cancel your meetings so you could find out the gender of our baby?" Taehyung asked, showing off his boxy smile, as he held onto Jeongguk’s forearm.

"Yes I did princess," he smiled looking at all the baby clothes and items that were displayed on the shelves.

"Gguk, can I ask you a question?" He looked up at Jeongguk, staring at his eyes as Jeongguk was just looking around.

"When are you gonna divorce your-" he was cut off right when someone behind them spoke up.

A/n: Sorry for the not so long chapters, but I still hope u enjoy! <3

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