☆Chapter 26☆

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"Jeongguk?" She asked, her voice sounding weak, she swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat.

Jeongguk and Taehyung pulled apart from the kiss. Both of them startled, Taehyung was wiped eyed, seeing Jeongguk’s wife standing in front of them. She looked at Taehyung with a displeased look. She looked as if she would tear him into pieces.

Breathing heavily, she approached Jeongguk, his face starting to hurt from the sting, her hand making contact with his face. Jeongguk held his cheek.

"Jeongguk! How could you! After all these years. You decided to cheat on me with him! Yoongi was right," she cried out, Jeongguk was there as he stood in front of Taehyung. 

Yeri kept yelling, "I hate you I hate you Jeongguk why would you do this to me? You even got him pregnant, You were with him and you weren't there while I lost my child," She shouted, some people were looking at them.

Taehyung was standing behind Jeongguk, holding his belly. He felt a sharp pain. He gasped a little, he felt a sharp sting across his face, the ring she wore hitting his cheek. Tears were forming around the corner of his eyes. He gasped again as he wasn't feeling well and he let out a choked sob.

Yeri and Jeongguk were arguing still, as Taehyung headed to go to the restroom. He leaned against the counter, as he kept feeling the terrible pain. When he looked up, Jeongguk entered the bathroom. And hugged him tightly, Taehyung didn't hug him back. Instead he cried in his shoulder.

"I should have listened to Jimin, Jeongguk. Thanks to me, I ruined your marriage with her. We shouldn't have done this" he sobbed.

"Baby don't say that, you didn't ruin anything," he said in a gentle voice. Taehyung kept sobbing.

"We should stop. Even though what's the point when she already found out," he cried in his lover's arms. Jeongguk rubbed his back trying to calm the crying boy.

Taehyung felt a wet sensation between his legs and he gently pushed Jeongguk away. He looked down and saw a puddle of water form.

He dropped to his knees touching his belly, he let out a groan, Jeongguk kneeled down by his side, "Baby what's wrong? Come on get up,"

"Our so- ugh"


Arriving at the hospital Jeongguk was waiting patiently. As for Jimin, he stood there glaring at Jeongguk.

Jeongguk was nervous; he kept bouncing his leg up and down and running his fingers through his hair. He let out a shaky sigh. Jimin looked at him, giving him a tight lipped smile.

"Look here Jeon… I hate you so much, but Taehyung is gonna be alright." Jimin said, as he stood up, right when the doctor came in with a clipboard in his hand while writing something up.

"Doctor, how is he?"

The doctor sighed as he contained to write, "Mr. Kim is alright if you would like you to go visit him now, and for your son you won't be able to take him home until a week, he is currently in an incubator. You can go see him now if you like, thank you," the doctor said and left. Jeongguk entered the room as quickly as he could. Taehyung was there sniffling as he wiped his tears from his eyes.

"Baby…" Jeongguk said as he pulled the crying boy into his arms.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be, baby, our baby we'll be okay, he's strong just like you. We will be able to take our baby home in a week." He said gently, giving him a kiss on his lips.

"Now get some rest, you must be exhausted," Taehyung leaned his head onto Jeongguk’s shoulder. As he sniffled a little. Jimin gave him a sweet smile as Taehyung smiled back weakly.

A couple of minutes passed by and Taehyung finally was sleeping soundly. Jeongguk got up. Jimin looked at him.

"Where are you going?'' he asked.

"I'm going to see my son,"

Jeongguk stood in front of the glass. He placed his hand in front of the glass and he looked at his son who was breathing gently. Jeongguk wanted to hold his son in his hands but he couldn't. The nurse walked into the room and took his son to check his breathing once again.

Jeongguk headed back to the room were Taehyung was still sleeping, he was exhausted from everything.


"Yeri honey please don't cry, he's not worth crying for,"

"He's been cheating on me! And started his own family behind my back! I thought he loved me!" She cried as her friends tried everything to make her stop crying.

"I hate him, how could he do that?" She cried, her eyes out.

Yeri placed her head resting on Sana's shoulder, she hiccuped drinking a glass of water to calm herself down.

How was she going to survive this heartbreak and the loss of her unborn kid?

A/n: Happy valentines day my babes <3

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