☆Chapter 32☆

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"Good luck on your date!" Jimin shouted as he pushed Taehyung towards the door, Taehyung was nervous he hadn't gone out with anyone in years.

Taehyung huffed out a puff of air. He fixed his hair with his phone camera. He felt like he was going to shit himself, he started walking until a car pulled up.

"Taehyung" Woo-shik smiled while getting out of the car, and opened the door for Taehyung. Woo-shik and him meet not once nor twice around the park. So finally Woo-shik wanted to ask Taehyung on a date which he said yes.

"What a gentleman you are," Taehyung giggled, while Woo-shik just laughed.

Taehyung opened his eyes, seeing the fancy expensive restaurant, "Wow," he gasped looking wide eyed around the restaurant.

"Oh my god this is so beautiful," Taehyung said as he looked at the food that was already on the table.

"Woo-shik you didn't have to do this," Taehyung started to tear up as that meant so much to him. It started to remind him of Jeongguk when he took him out for their very first proper date.

Woo-shik pulled Taehyung into a hug, as he smiled at the emotional boy.


Him and Taehyung were walking outside at the park. Woo-shik was sweating nervously as he kept fixing his turtleneck.

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked giggling slightly.

"Actually no… well I am but, oh fuck, okay, Kim Taehyung do you want to be my boyfriend?" Woo-shik asked, taking Taehyung's hands in his.

Taehyung gasped as he hugged him quickly. He pulled him into a kiss, and Woo-shik was surprised but soon he kissed back.

Taehyung smiled sheepishly, "Of course I'll be your boyfriend," Taehyung remarked as he intertwined both their hands together.


Taehyung laughed as he heard the funny story Woo-shik was telling when he was in elementary school. Taehyung opened the door when Haneul ran up to him, hugging his leg as he was too short.

"Hi, baby," Taehyung said, hugging his boy and Woo-shik just stood there adoring the little kid.

"Woo-shik!" Haneul yelled when he noticed the other male standing beside his mom.

"I mwissed you," Haneul said, wanting to be carried by him.

"I missed you too buddy," Woo-shik said. Taehyung introduced Haneul to Woo-shik when they started to see each other more often. For Taehyung’s surprise, they started getting along and Haneul always asked when he was going to visit him.

"Hannie? Do you want Woo-shik to stay the night,"

"Yes!" The little boy yelled happily Jimin greeted Woo-shik, casually.

"I'll put Haneul to sleep," Woo-shik said, giving a kiss on Taehyung's forehead.

"So tell me how it went?" Jimin smirked placing his cup of tea on the counter of the kitchen.

"He asked me to be his boyfriend!" Taehyung exclaimed, getting straight to the point. Taehyung squealed, as he had a big smile on his face.

Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly, "I fucking new it! I knew he was gonna ask you out! The way he just looks at you is so adorable!" Jimin exclaimed, making Taehyung blush.

After catching up with the Date Taehyung had, Woo-shik came out, closing the door quietly trying not to wake up the now sleeping boy.

"You don't need to worry about putting Haneul to sleep, I read him a story and he fell asleep," Woo-shik says, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's waist. Taehyung smiled at him, pecking his lips.

"Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone now, bye Taehyung," Jimin said, smirking at Taehyung.

"Bye Jimin," Taehyung said, waving at him.

"You should stay, the night I bet Haneul would love that," Taehyung said, fixing Woo-shik's turtle neck. He gave him a small smile.

"I'll sleep in the couch,"

"No no it's okay let's just share the same bed,  I wanna cuddle my
boyfriend anyways," Taehyung pouted cutely making Woo-shik chuckle.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get ready for bed," Taehyung said, after a while he came out wearing his silk gown with his pink fluffy robe he had.

He wrapped his arms around Woo-shik's neck as he gave him a peck on the lips, "Let's go to bed shall we?" Taehyung commented as he dragged Woo-shik to his bedroom.

Woo-shik couldn't stop staring at Taehyung's beautiful curves. He licked his lips, and Taehyung smiled softly sitting on his lap.

"Like what you see?" Taehyung teased as he pushed him on the bed straddling his lap.

Taehyung pulled him from the neck, kissing him roughly, Woo-shik kissed back as well, and he wrapped his arms around Taehyung's slim waist. He bucked his hips up making Taehyung let out a soft moan.

Taehyung started to move his hips, as he let his hands linger down, near Woo-shik's pants, unzipping it and pulling out his already hard dick.

He started stroking it slowly, Taehyung started sucking harshly at the tip. Taehyung was pushed in the bed as Woo-shik was on top of him, he started to undress Taehyung, when he started to thrust into him, Taehyung let out soft moans.

When they reached their high, Taehyung cuddled close to Woo-shik, he gave him a smile as they cuddled close to each other falling asleep in another embrace.


The next morning Taehyung woke up with the bed empty, he stretched out waking up, he pouted to himself but then saw his phone and other belongings there.

He got up and grabbed his robe, putting it on himself. He started walking hissing at every step he took.

He saw Woo-shik cooking as Haneul was laughing loudly, "What are you laughing at?" Taehyung asked as he startled the toddler.

"Mommy!" He yelled as he went to hug Taehyung.

"Morning, baby" Woo-shik said, making Taehyung blush slightly. Woo-shik pulled him into a kiss, and Taehyung kissed back.

"Mommy? You shwould try breakfast," Haneul said, stuffing his small mouth with food. Taehyung sat down on the chair as Woo-shik placed a plate in front of him.

"Thank you," Taehyung said as he rubbed his tired eyes. He yawned from exhaustion, then he heard the doorbell ring, Woo-shik started walking until Taehyung stood up from his seat.

"I'll get it," Taehyung smiled, and Woo-shik just nodded. He opened the door, he thought it was Jimin, but he thought wrong.


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