☆Chapter 16☆

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"Oh my fucking god! This is so cute. What do you think, Gguk?" Taehyung asked as he showed him the yellow pastel skirt.

"I think this would suit you better," Jeongguk exclaimed as he held up a pink lingerie outfit.

"Gguk! Stop, I wouldn't wear that!" Taehyung said, covering his cheeks with his sweater paws. He put it back on the clothing rack.

"Your ass would look fat in it though," Jeongguk smirked as Taehyung glared at him with his red cheeks.

"Stop, let me buy something else!" Taehyung whined cutely, making Jeongguk chuckle at him and giving him another kiss.

After two hours of shopping Taehyung was still shopping and looking around, as he waited for Jeongguk who was trying out suits.

Taehyung looked up as he heard his name being called, "Jiminie what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, smiling at his best friend who was with his boyfriend.

"Me and Yoongi decided to shop around a bit until he needed to head to work," Jimin spoke as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's arm, giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Pri- Yoongi what are you doing here?"

"I'm here with my Jimin. What are you doing here with Taehyung? I thought you were supposed to be with Yeri helping her with the decorating of her sister's wedding," Yoongi asked as he felt suspicious of the two.

"Yeah that's tomorrow but I might be going to a business trip,"

"What trip? I wasn't inform on going,"

"Right right, I will be going alone since it's-"

"Jeongguk, can I talk to you in private for a minute," Yoongi asked, eyeing Taehyung with his cat looking shaped eyes

Taehyung just gave him a small smile which earned him a glare from Yoongi.

"Jeongguk, how come I keep seeing you going out with Taehyung? Are you cheating behind Yeri? Do you realize how much she cares about you and genuinely loves you, she talks about you every time!"

"Yoongi" he chuckled as he continued talking, "I'm not cheating on Yeri, all that I'm doing with Taehyung is trying to figure out what I should give Yeri for our upcoming anniversary, so I asked him to help me out," Jeongguk lied to him as Yoongi started believing his little made up lie.

Jeongguk left Yoongi who stood there silently. As he watched him leave. "I'll be waiting in my car," Jeongguk whispered as he handed him his black card as Taehyung took it.

"Okay, I won't take long," Taehyung mumbled as he walked with Jimin to look around the store.

"Is he your sugar daddy or what?" Jimin chuckled as Taehyung just laughed at him.


"Sorry I took too long," Taehyung said as he pecked Jeongguks cheek and gave him  his card back.

"It's alright princess, but before I went to my car I went inside a baby store and bought some baby stuff" Jeongguk said as Taehyung's eyes widened.

"Ggukie our baby would love it" Taehyung giggled as he hugged him. Jeongguk handed him the bag as Taehyung quickly opened the bag showing a pair of cute baby shoes and more baby clothes that Taehyung adored.

"These are so cute!"


Taehyung and Jeongguk stand next to each other as they eat their dinner that they ordered. They sat there laughing and telling stories.

"Oh Gguk I have a surprise for you,"  Taehyung said as he got up and scurried to his room to change into his little surprise outfit for him.

He took off Jeongguk’s grey Hoodie he was wearing and took off his booty shorts along. 

He grabbed the bag filled with the pink see through lingerie he bought earlier.

Taehyung quickly put it on as he grabbed Jeongguks hoddie and slipping it on top. He walked to the the living room yelling out, "Gguk close your eyes and keep them close I don't want you to ruin the surprise"

"Okay promise princess!" He yelled back as Taehyung walked out the door and headed where Jeongguk awaited.

He sat on his lap, making Jeongguk smile.
"Keep them close, Ggukie!" Taehyung giggled as he removed his hoodie. He reached to grab Jeongguk’s hand placing them on top of his waist making him feel his soft skin.

"Now open" Taehyung demanded and he opened his eyes as Jeongguk let out a chuckle.

"Fuck, you look so beautiful" Jeongguk said as his hands went to his ass giving a firm squeeze as Taehyung let a soft small moan. Jeongguk fully rubbed his finger against his whole body, making Taehyung impatient.

"You can have me for as long as you want" Taehyung whispered seductively into Jeongguk’s ear and then that's when Jeongguk smirked as he did what he needed to do.

A/n: Enjoy! I hope you have an amazing day or night and stay safe! <3

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