☆Chapter 20☆

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"Shit shit what's wrong?!" Jeongguk shouted as he kneeled down. Taehyung grabbed Jeongguks shirt tightly. Everyone was surrounding him, some were shouting to call an ambulance.

"Jeongguk" Taehyung said between his hurtful sobs.

"Shh it's going to be okay baby," Jeongguk calmed him down as he rested against his chest, he waited for the ambulance to come. Taehyung felt weak as he tried his best to keep his eyes opened.


The ambulance made it to the hospital as the nurses took Taehyung inside.

Jeongguk waited impatiently pacing around back and forth, and Jimin he was nervously waiting as well bouncing his leg up and down. What felt forever the doctor came out having a serious look.

"Doctor, how is he?"

"He's doing fine, but he almost had a miscarriage, he has to be in bed rest for about a week or two, don't bring up anything that might stress him out he still has a long way until your guys baby is born. For the meantime you can go in and visit him," than the doctor left the two.

"Jeongguk I don't think you should see Taehyung right now he's in a fragile state and I don't want him-"

Jimin was caught off guard as Jeongguk just walked in. Taehyung was crying silently as he sniffled and looked up at Jeongguk without saying a single word.

Jeongguk went up to Taehyung, hugging him tightly, as Taehyung cried out repeating sorrys...

"What are you sorry for?" Jeongguk asked as he patted his head trying to calm him down.

"I almost lost our baby! Our only baby, our angel!" Taehyung cried out as Jeongguk gave him a kiss as he stared at his red teary eyes.

"Baby don't cry, our baby is alright, he's okay he's strong, he's strong just like you, and I'm proud that both my baby's are strong" Jeongguk smiled warmly wiping away Taehyung's tears with his thumbs and giving him a kiss on his lips.

He hated to see Taehyung cry, it made his heart break. He hugged Taehyung, Taehyung stopped crying as he was slowly falling asleep in his arms. Jimin stood there smiling at the two soon to be parents.

Jeongguk signaled him to come where he was at as he whispered in his ears. "Jimin can you wait here until I come back I wanna buy Taehyung and our son a gift before he wakes up,"

"Sure but don't take too long" and Jeongguk left to buy some gifts for Taehyung and his son.


Jeongguk grabbed the nearest prettiest flowers he found. He headed to another store as he picked out strawberry covered chocolates. And bought a stuffed tiger for his son.

He went back to the hospital and headed to Taehyung's room. He planted a kiss on his forehead and Taehyung opened his eyes slowly. He groaned as he felt tired.

"Baby look what I got you" Jeongguk said as he handed him the bouquet of flowers to him Taehyung let out a small gasp.

"These are so pretty" he also handed him the pretty light pastel box filled with strawberries inside, along with the little tiger plushie.

"Awe Ggukie thank you" Taehyung said as he kissed his lips softly. He opened the box and he took a bite of the covered chocolate strawberries.

"I wanna go home" Taehyung slightly pouted as he wanted to sleep in his soft cozy bed with Jeongguk.Jeongguk pulled him into a hug and Taehyung hugged him back. He was a bit mad at Jeongguk but he knew it wasn't his fault that he was drunk.


Taehyung was finally at home. All he did was stay in bed for the whole day and he wanted to walk around. But he didn't mind since Jeongguk was next to him hugging his waist as they watched a movie together.

An eroticism scene popped up in the movie, and Jeongguk looked at Taehyung's hand which was near his private area.

Jeongguk gulped as he felt his member harden. "Baby not now," Jeongguk gave him a kiss and Taehyung whined.

"Why not," he pouted cutely as he played with the strings of his sweatpants. And slowly placed his fingers inside slowly.

"Let me, I'll help you with your little problem down there," Taehyung smirked as he removed his sweatpants and took it whole.

He gagged a little as the tip of his dick was touching the back of his throat. Jeongguk let out a groan as he loved the sensation.

He grabbed the locks of the boy and shoved his head slightly. Taehyung moaned out as he kept sucking as if it were a lollipop.

Taehyung sucked the tip harshly, Jeongguk thrusted up loving the feeling of his lovers mouth around him.

"Keep going baby" Jeongguk groaned breathless, as Taehyung kept licking strides and sucking harshly.

"Fuck baby," Jeongguk groaned as he let out his sperm, onto Taehyung's mouth. He gulped down Jeongguk's cum. Taehyung licked his lips and leaned into a kiss but got stopped by Jeongguk.

"Go drink some water before you even think about kissing me," Jeongguk exclaimed as he pushed his face away.

"Bring me some water then," Taehyung mumbled as he pouted cutely while Jeongguk gave him a kiss on his forehead before he brought him a glass of water.

"Okay now give me a kiss" Taehyung pulled him placing his hand on his cheeks and pulled him in a gentle soft kiss. Taehyung moaned into the kiss as he felt Jeongguk nipple the bottom of his lip trying to explore the inside of his mouth.

"Jeon fucking Jeongguk I love you so much!" Taehyung said suddenly as he sat on his lap and cuddled on top of him.

"I love you too baby" he said, pulling him into another kiss. He placed his hands onto Taehyung's tummy, rubbing it in soothing circles. Taehyung leaned into his chest more as he started feeling more drowsy.

"Can you stay the night?" Taehyung mumbled looking up at him and Jeongguk nodded, giving him a kiss.

"I love you too"

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