☆Chapter 30☆

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Taehyung got off of work early. He headed to pick up Haneul from his daycare. He walked calmly until he arrived. He saw all the little kids holding the hand of their parents.

Taehyung smiled sweetly at the teacher, "Is Haneul still inside?" Taehyung asked not seeing his son in the playground or anywhere.

"Haneul left with this man about this tall" the teacher said, "he said he was Haneul's father" Taehyung left running. Of course Jeongguk would pick Haneul up from school and take him to his house or some other place.

Not long after Taehyung makes it to Jeongguk's fancy condo he steps foot into the elevator, waiting until the door opens on the tenth floor.

He got out, opening the door to his condo. All the maids looked at him, as if he couldn't step foot in there.

Taehyung goes to the room Haneul stays at when he stays the night. He was there. He opened another room and no one was there. He pulls out his phone dialing Jeongguk’s number, going stare to voicemail. He tries again and the same thing.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung turned around and saw the lady standing in the stairway. She looked young, her blue elegant dress floated as she took each step down the stairway.

"Don't make me repeat myself," she said with such rudeness in her voice, wanting Taehyung to roll his eyes at her.

"Where’s my son?" Taehyung asked, turning his body to face her. She had a stern face.

"That brat? He's with my husband,"

Taehyung's anger bubbled up as he heard the women in front of him call his beloved son a brat.

"You fucking bitch-" Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence as Yoo-Bi slapped him across his face, she pulled his hair tugging at it harshly, Taehyung tried to make her let go.

She only pulled harder. He winced at the unbearable pain, Taehyung fell to the ground and got up landing a punch on the side of her hip making her almost trip.

"Taehyung!" He heard the shout coming from the hallway. He tired to get up only for him to fall on the ground again feeling dizzy.

"Shit" he mumbled as Jeongguk made him stand up, pulling him by his arm harshly.

"Why do you only come to my house to cause problems?" He yelled as Haneul stood behind Jeongguk.

"What the fuck are you talking about, I came here to find Haneul! You didn't even answer my calls or anything so I came here!"

"Ggukie stop arguing with him," Yoo-Bi cried out as she started to fake cry, getting Jeongguk’s full attention.

"Baby are you alright?" He asked lifting her face gently looking to see if she had any bruises on her delicate face.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at them, wiping off the blood falling from his mouth. Taehyung had enough of Jeongguk's selfish acts, "You know what Jeongguk fuck you too!" He yelled out. Jeongguk clenched his fists.

"Taehyung don't you dare talk to me like that! I did everything for you when we were married!"

"Fuck you Jeongguk all you did was go and cheat with me with other people while I raised Haneul, and I don't give a fuck if I ruined your past relationship with Yeri. You can go kiss my ass!" Taehyung yelled one more time as he dragged Haneul by the hand.

"Mama," Haneul tugged at the hem of Taehyung's sleeve.


"What Haneul, what do you want?" He raised his voice at his son, Haneul started to cry. Taehyung knew he didn't like to get yelled at so he quickly got onto his knees and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry baby but mama is not feeling good right now," Taehyung said, wiping the tears that kept falling from the little boy.

"I'm sorry baby" Taehyung said over and over again, until he started sobbing, his tears fogging up his eyes making it all a blur.


Taehyung and Haneul arrived home. He felt light headed as he took a seat. Haneul took off his paw patrol backpack, sitting it on the couch.

Taehyung helped onto the couch, he grabbed his phone checking the missed calls from Jimin. Taehyung called back as he kept feeling dizzy.

"Hey Jimin, can you come over and take Hannie over to your house? I'm not feeling too well," Taehyung mumbled as he rubbed his head, trying to sooth his throbbing headache.

"Sure thing I'll be there as quick as I can be" Jimin replied back.

When he arrived at Taehyung's house, he opened the door and saw Taehyung laying on the couch as he was about to drift off to sleep.

"Tae?" Jimin shook him lightly and Taehyung flinched as he got up and stretched.

"Sorry Jiminie, I'll get Haneuls things ready," Taehyung said as headed to his room.

Taehyung's ears started to ring as his vision was getting blurry. He rubbed his eyes with his hands trying to keep a clear vision. He felt as if everything around him was spinning, he grabbed onto the wall leaning for full support.

He didn't hear Jimin call out his name, before he could catch him he fell to the ground. He fainted. Jimin yelled trying to wake him up.

"Tae! Taehyung! Wake up please!" Jimin yelled out and shook his body trying to get him to wake up. He held the unconscious boy in his arms as he pulled out his phone and dialed the ambulance.

When Haneul came running he pulled him into a tight hug as he didn't want him to see what kind of state his mom was in.

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