☆Chapter 25☆

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~five weeks later~

"Baby are you almost ready?" Jeongguk asked the boy who was struggling to but on his black dress. 

"Ya! Don't just stand there, and help me," Taehyung grumbled. Jeongguk chuckled softly while helping him put on his black dress. 

"You look stunning Baby," Jeongguk exclaimed as he pulled him into a kiss but Taehyung stopped him by covering his mouth. 

"Hey! I'm not don't getting ready," he pushed Jeongguk aside, putting on his pearl necklaces and earrings. He applied his lip gloss and eyeshadow. He brushed his hair, fixing it until he was done and ready to leave. 


Taehyung and Jeongguk went on a dinner date. Taehyung and Jeongguk were laughing as they ate. Enjoying their first proper date. 

Jeongguk took Taehyung to one of those rooftop restaurants. He was super excited since he always wanted to have a date there with someone special. 

Taehyung was leaning against the balcony, while Jeongguk lit his cigarette up. He kept blowing puffs into the air while Taehyung looked at him. 

Taehyung grabbed the cigarette and was about to put it in his mouth until Jeongguk stopped him. 

"Don't it's not good for you or the baby," Jeongguk exclaimed, putting out the cigarette. Taehyung smiled while resting his chin on his shoulder. He felt exhausted and his back started aching. He wanted to lay down and relax but he also didn't want to leave this restaurant, he was enjoying the twinkling stars and the cold relaxing breeze. 

"Gguk can we start heading home? I'm getting tired," he groaned, feeling more tired than usual. 

"Sure thing princess, when do you want me to start setting up the nursery?" Jeongguk asked as he rubbed Taehyung's back gently. Taehyung has been getting more tired and getting back pains from carrying his child. 

"You can setup it up tomorrow, but for now I want a warm bath and cuddles from my favorite person," Taehyung mumbled, giving him a sloppily kiss as they walked hand in hand. 



Yeri was getting ready to head out with her group friends, she needed to head out to get her mind off. Losing her child was difficult for her even though five weeks have already passed but she was still pretty upset. 

She saw a notification pop up, in her phone screen she thought it was her friends telling her that they were outside but it was Jeongguk instead. 

'Don't wait for me I'll be staying late' 

She responded with an okay and a little heart at the end of the message. She continued to get herself ready, wearing her beautiful diamond necklace matching it with a beautiful white stunning dress, showing all her curves. 

Right when she headed outside her friends pulled up with their car waiting for her. Sana is one of her closest friends. 

"Sana! You're here!" She exclaimed as she hugged her tightly. 

"It's been so many months since we meet and had a girls night out," she laughed as the rest of her friends got out of the car and went to hug her as well. 

After a couple more minutes of talking, they headed to their girls night destination. 

They arrived at the restaurant as they headed to the very top enjoying the night breeze and shining stars. They sat at a table eating their food they ordered and laughed while talking about everything that happened, Yeri started talking about her miscarriage, all her friends sat there with serious, sad, guilt, and with a apologetic look. Irene, her other friend, grabbed ahold of her hand, rubbing it gently as Yeri, tired her best not to cry yet again. 

"Yeri, I'm so sorry to hear that," Irene pulled her into a hug, Yeri gave them a gentle smile. She excused herself heading towards the bathroom. 

She sighed looking at herself in the mirror, she felt her warm tears run down her cheeks, she quickly wiped them dry. 

"Yeri pull yourself together," she told herself, shutting her eyes tight, not wanting to think about it. She was still sentimental; she tried everything to stop her eyes from looking too red. 

She sniffled a little, and she left the bathroom. She started walking but then she heard a familiar deep voice. She was curious if it was him. She walked towards the voice. 


A/n: Short chapter but I hoped you enjoyed my amazing readers, what do you guys think is gonna happen next? 🤔

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