☆Chapter 3☆

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Taehyung left the room and went to the changing room. Jimin was their talking to some of the other strippers. “Jiminie, come  here for a minute” he voiced out getting Jimin's attention towards him. “Took you long enough, were you getting fucked or what?” Jimin chuckled making Taehyung glare at him. 

“Correction I was getting fingered fucked, and Mr. Jeon was a true hottie. Apparently I lost my virginity to the youngest ceo” he declared frustrated, he ran his fingers in his black locks while sighing. 

“What?! Mr. Jeon Jeongguk?” Jimin shouted, making others look at them with weird expressions on their faces.

“Another bad thing is that he has a wife, and he cheated on his wife more than once”  he whined trying his best to control his tears from flowing down his delicate cheeks. 

“Tae it's going to be alright, it's not your fault you were drunk and ended up with him” JImin said, bringing him to a soft comfortable hug as Taehyung let his tears fall one by one. “Sit here, i'll go ask Bogum- Hyung if he could let us go early” “M'kay '' Taehyung muttered.sitting down on the couch. 

Jimin left Taehyung and went to find Bogum. He entered his office that was decreate with expensive items all over the place. “Bogum- Hyung '' Jimin called out making Bogum face his way, as he was smoking a cigarette. 

“Ah Jimin, what brings you here?” he asked, blowing a puff of smoke towards Jimin making him scrunch his face up. “I-i was just wondering if me and Taehyung can leave are shifts early”
“Yes of course you guys can, but why all of a sudden” he questioned polielty. 

“Taehyung isn’t feeling well” 

“I see, let him get some rest, and tomorrow take the day off too. Tell him to get better soon” Bogum said, walking towards his chair and sitting down.

Jimin gasped as he was happy to get the day off tomorrow.” Thank you so much hyung thank you thank you” he thanked his hyung, as he walked out of the room, and headed to get taehyung.

“Taebear!” he shouted, making Taehyung open his eyes as he was about to drift off to dream land.

“Mhm?” he hummed

“We get the day off tomorrow too!”

“R-really?” he sniffled, rubbing his eyes gently with the palm of his hands to stay awake. 

“Yes, come Tae, let's go get you some rest” he said happily, putting his robe on before leaving the club.

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