☆Chapter 5☆

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(A/n-Jezz there's alot of typos and miss spelled words in the past chapter I didn't even notice 😮‍💨 )

It was already noon and Taehyung was getting ready to meet his hyungs. He put on a baby blue sweater that said ‘baby boy’ on it. He noticed that his nipples were getting swollen and a bit bigger. “What's happening to me?!” he whispered-shouted to himself, he laid down and was thinking for a while until Jimin started knocking on the door. “Are you ready?”

“Give me a minute I'm almost done,” he said back, Jimin giving him an okay before leaving him. He grabbed his black skirt and fishnets and put them on himself quickly before going to the bathroom and applying a bit of makeup. He grabbed his black converse and his mini black backpack then he headed to where Jimin was waiting for him. 

“Ready?” Jimin asked, Taehyung nodded his head as a yes, Jimin locked the door before leaving the apartment building. Both of the males were walking and soon arrived at Seokjin‘s house in less than an hour.

Taehyung walked to ring the doorbell, Jimin walking behind him too. But before he could ring the doorbell the door opened revealing Jin in a light pink robe. “My baby bear, and my baby mochi!” he yelled from the sweet surprise he pulled them closer engulfing them in a warm hug.

“I missed you guys so much!” Jin said, pulling away from the hug and wiping his fake tears. “I missed you too Jin-hyung” Jimin and Taehyung uttered in sync. 

“Come on in guys, you can sit where ever you like”

“Thanks hyung,” Taehyung said, sitting on the couch as he was too exhausted from the long tiring walk.  “How’s Jung-su?”  Jimin cooed at the little baby who was laying on the crib sucking on his palifar.

“My little baby is doing well,” Jin said with a smile on his face. “Where’s Namjoon-hyung?’ Taehyung questioned, “Oh he’s still at work,” Jin replied sitting down on the couch.

“Are you guys still working at the club?” Jin asked this time. “Yeah we are,” Taehyung yawned tiredly.

Taehyung quickly got up and headed to the bathroom once again he threw up all the food he had that morning, he got up and rinsed out his mouth, he opened the door revealing Jin and Jimin standing there. Jin was concerned for Taehyung. “Tae Bear are you alright?

"Oh yeah hyung I'm fine…"

"Bear, how long have you been throwing up?" Seokjin asked raising a brow at him with concern I'm his facial expression showed.

“Oh umm… for about a week or so, but I'm pretty sure it's just food poisoning, or something” he said, wiping off the water from his mouth with his sweater sleeve. “Do you feel more tired than usual?”
“Yes! I get super tired even at work when I don't do much” he exclaimed leaning onto the bathroom wall.

Seokjin started looking through the cabinets of the bathroom trying to find something “Hyung what are you looking for?” Taehyung asked, confused,  “Ah! Found it. Here I want you to take this,”

“Wait hold up, is that a pregnancy test?!” Taehyung asked, completely weirded out.

“Yes, I think you might be pr-” Jin was cut of by Taehyung looking at him angrily “You think im pregnant?” he scoffed angrily, “Well yes-”        

“I'm on birth control. It's mpossible to get pregnant, while on birth control!. Just cause im a stripper doesn’t mean i'm whoring around hyung!” Taehyung shouted while tears were streaming down his red puffy cheeks ‘Why am I crying?’ he thought to himself. He wiped his tears with the hem of his sleeve.

“I know you're not whoring around, but look Tae Bear you have the same symptoms as me when I had Jung-su” Jin explained in a calm voice making Taehyung look at him in guilt for yelling at his hyung. “Just take it, if you don't stop puking then use it okay?” he said. Taehyung nodded his head as a yes he pulled Jin close to him hugging him tight. “Sorry h-hyung I didn't mean t-to y-yell at you” he hiccuped wiping his running tears from his cheeks.

“Aww it's okay Tae bear”
“C-can we get ice cream?” Taehyung asked to pull away from Jin.

“Sure, let me get ready and pack Jung-su’s bag,” Jin exclaimed “And take this with you,” he handed Taehyung the pregnancy test. He grabbed the box, placing it in his backpack. Jin left the bathroom heading to his room to get changed. Taehyung sighed looking at Jimin who was standing there quietly. “You think I could be pregnant?”

“Well you were drunk and there is a possible chance that Jeongguk didn't wear a condom so... '' Jimin said, shrugging his shoulders as he didn't know what else to say.

“Right” Taehyung sighed, he left the bathroom making Jimin follow him.

“Let's go get us some ice cream” Jin excamind carrying his 1 month baby in his arms and grabbing the stroller from the closet. 

After walking a bit around the city they finally found the ice cream parlor.

"Ah, finally I'm so tired" Taehyung whined to himself from all the walking.

"Come on, it wasn't even a long walk" Jimin chuckled while teasing him, while Jin was ordering for Taehyung and Jimin.

"Here you guys go," Jin said, giving them the ice cream and taking his ice cream from the guy.  "Thank you, have a nice day" Jin said while bowing politely and leaving the parlor.

Taehyung walked out happily while licking his ice cream. "This is so good...Hey watch it you… Jeongguk?" Taehyung stuttered while looking up at the attractive male he just bumped into.

"I-I mean Mr. Jeon?" What are you doing?" Taehyung asked to avoid eye contact, instead he looked at the woman, who had her arm wrapped around Jeongguk's arm. She was pretty with her dyed blonde hair and her small almond shaped eyes, she stared at him disgustedly, making Taehyung feel small around her intense stare.

"Gguk who is that?" She asked looking at Jeongguk with those brown innocent eyes at him.

"He's one of my friends that I met at a business meeting," he lied looking at Taehyung, with this small not so visible smirk on his lips.

"I see, we should get going Gguk. Nice to meet you whoever you are…" she said while dragging Jeongguk with her rolling her eyes at Taehyung who was trying his best not to stare at Jeongguk.

"Isn't that, Jeon Jeongguk the youngest CEO in Korea?" Seokjin asked turning his head too look back at him, "And also the one too finger fuck Taehyung as well," Jimin said casually, earning a slap on his arm making him hiss.

"Shut the fuck up you, short ass bitch!" Taehyung yelled.

"Wait...what?" Jin asked, his eyes turning wide, "He…When?"

"Yesterday," Jimin spoke for Taehyung who looked like he was gonna blow up any minute.

"I fucking hate you"

"I love you too bae" Jimin said blowing a kiss at the mad Taehyung.

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