☆Chapter 31☆

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"Oh my god," Taehyung groaned, getting blind by the lights coming from the window.

"We're am I?" Taehyung asked looking around as Jimin sat there half asleep with Haneul cuddled up with him.

Taehyung tried to get up from the bed only to notice a needle injected in his arm, "Great," Taehyung mumbled. The doctor came in side with a nurse by his side, "Good Mr. Kim you're finally awake,"

Taehyung nodded as Jimin stood up carrying the sleeping boy in his arms. Jimin stood next to his side as he heard what the doctor was saying.

"Did I faint?"

"Yes, have you been getting enough sleep recently,"

"Not really,"

"I need you to take a rest from work, and from school and not worry about a single thing for at least two weeks and then you can continue your daily routines. And one other thing you can leave within two hours, have a good day,"

"Thank you," Taehyung mumbled as he laid back down. The nurse took the needle from his arms and checked his blood pressure, and everything to see if he was doing alright.

When the nurse left Jimin spoke up, "Taehyung you idiot, I told you not to stress about anything and here you are getting yourself worked up and passing out," Jimin half shouted at him.

"Jimin look y'know how stressful it is with Jeongguk, trying to take Haneul to his place and just school work has been a pain in the fucking ass, and I just forgot about about my mental health or whatever," Taehyung said as he got up from the bed feeling a little bit light headed.

Jimin helped him from not falling and he placed the sleeping boy on the bed carefully. Taehyung walked to the bathroom as he grabbed the bag, taking out his clothes.

He got out of the hospital gown which he hated so fucking much, he took out his sweatshirt and pants from the bag and putting his normal clothes on.

He grabbed his phone which was in the bag and looked at the messages from Jeongguk, which were sent three hours ago.

'How’s my son doing?'

'Taehyung fucking answer your damn phone!'

'It's been more than an hour,'

'For fuck sakes if you don't answer your phone I'm going to your house'

'Open your fucking door'

'Your a fucking piece of shit'

Taehyung sighed, as he splashed water on his face. He tried taking deep breaths in and out, but caught himself crying.

Jimin knocked on the door, "Tae are you alright in there?"

"Yeah I'm alright I'm just changing," Taehyung sniffled. Quickly wiping his tears dry he opened the door. And Jimin gave him a kind smile.

"Let's get out of here already, this place gives me the creeps," Jimin said,swinging the backpack on his back. He picked up the boy once again and carried him, wrapping him up in a blanket.


"Did Jeongguk call?" Taehyung asked taking out the keys from his pocket.

"No, even if he did I wouldn't answer any of his calls." Jimin said walking into Taehyung's house and turning on the lights. He went to Haneul's room, placing the sleeping boy on the bed and changing him to some pajamas. He opened his eyes slightly. "Auntie were mama?" Haneul asked tiredly, cuddling up next to his stuffed bunny.

"Shh baby mama's in his room, now sleep so I can make your favorite strawberry pancakes in the morning," Jimin said, placing a kiss on the boy's forehead before he turned off the lights and left the door a tiny bit opened.

"I changed Haneul, so you don't need to worry about it," Jimin said sitting down on the couch, Taehyung thanked him.

He rubbed his tired eyes and let out a yawn, "Are you gonna stay the night?" Taehyung asked, getting up from the couch.

"Yeah I told Yoongi that I was going to stay here with you for a couple days until you get better," Jimin remarked as Taehyung nodded and hugged him saying goodnight to him.


Jimin woke up super early as he started to make Taehyung's and Haneul's favorite strawberry pancakes.

Haneul came running into the kitchen and hugging Jimin. "Hi buddy, how did you sleep?" Jimin asked as he smiled at the little tired boy. He yawned, "good" He said, and yelled again when he saw his mom.

"Mommy!" He yelled and Taehyung smiled and hugged the boy.

"Hannie, how's my big boy doing?" Taehyung chuckled, carrying the little boy in his arms. He placed a kiss on his forehead making the boy giggle.

"Ah Jimin, I'm going to take a walk, I'll be back soon," Taehyung said as he placed the boy down on the chair.

"Don't you wanna eat anything before you go?" Jimin asked, putting pancakes on Haneul's plate.

"I'm good I'll get something along the way," Taehyung said hugging his son and left his house.


Taehyung was walking, the dry leaves crumbling and crunching underneath his feet.

"Who needs a man in their life?" Taehyung asked himself looking at the cloudy sky. He let out a sigh feeling a drip of water fall on his forehead. He wiped it off.

Taehyung got up from the bench, until he almost tripped on a branch he didn't notice. Until someone grabbed him by the arm pulling him close to his chest.

"Oof, watch it!" Taehyung snapped, he looked up. He looked at the man who held him in his chest. He was tall with black dark hair, wearing a brown trench coat. He wore a black beanie making his hair cover his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yes, now can you let me go?" Taehyung asked as he pulled away.

"Oh sorry"

"It's fine," Taehyung said as he continued to walk away from the stranger.

"My name is Choi Woo-shik," the boy said.

"Mhm? Nice to you, but I didn't ask for your name," Taehyung mumbled, continuing to walk, the Choi Woo-shik guy who followed behind Taehyung.

"Woo-shik, can you stop following me?" Taehyung turned around and stopped in front of him.

"Well I'm going the same way as you," Woo-shik said.

"Are you going to a cafe or something?" Taehyung asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Actually yes,"

Taehyung raised his eyebrow, "You're not some crazy weird kidnapper who's gonna kill me right?"

"If I was a kidnapper I would have kidnapped you already," he chuckled.

Taehyung held in his smile as both of the two walked beside each other. Taehyung loved this random guy's company. Taehyung actually was hiding his smile covering it with his scarf he wore.

A/n:Go check out my new book skaters love <3

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