☆Chapter 9☆

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Taehyung sat in front of the big mirror staring in space. He was currently in the club and he was getting ready but he had a weird jealous feeling. He didn't understand why though.

Jimin placed a hand one Taehyung's shoulder before he spoke up. "You okay? And are you sure you wanna continue being a stripper?" He assured him.

"Yeah I'm alright. I will stop this job once I start showing more, like who wants to see a pregnant person strip for them?" He laughed at himself. He genuinely loved this job which made him feel more confident about himself.

Taehyung got up and headed to the stage wearing a red lingerie outfit and his black heels. Taehyung sighed to himself as he swung himself on the pole rocking his hips seductively, but not too long he spotted Jeongguk taking sips of his beer he was drinking, staring at him with lust in his eyes.

Taehyung blew him a kiss which made Jeongguk smirk at him lighting up his cigarette. The old yet rich horny men kept throwing him money on the stage. A couple more minutes he was still dancing on the pole, he glanced up at Jeongguk who was making out with Hyuna?

Before he was done with his performance he walked off the stage, went into the back room he took off his heels throwing them where his pile of spare clothes were at. "Wow! why are you all mad," Taehyung just glared at him slipping on his slippers and walking off to we're Jeongguk was at.

He pulled Hyuna's hair making her gasp out in pain, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yelled, Taehyung pushed her making her fall on the ground, some of the people gasping and helping her out while others just continued what they were doing.

Taehyung slapped Jeongguk across the face, as he held his red stinking cheek. "Jeongguk? Why were you kissing her?" He asked desperately, holding back his tears trying his best not to cry in front of him.

"Princess don't cry, Aren't we just using each other just for our bodies? For our needs?" Jeongguk said, rubbing Taehyung's cheek wiping off his tears that rolled down his delicate red puffy cheeks.

"What about our… Ugh! I hate you...you jerk!" Taehyung yelled walking away from Jeongguk, leaving him there who seemed unbothered.


"Tae Baby, what's wrong?" Jimin asked running his hand through Taehyung's hair trying to comfort him who was letting out sobs.

"You were right chim, I thought he would feel the same way as me, I was wrong he only uses me for my body,"

"Baby don't cry, just think about your little baby who’s inside with you, don't stress out okay? Get some sleep you must be exhausted," Jimin got up planting a kiss on top of his forehead leaving him alone.


In the past 4 days Taehyung didn't go to work. All he did was stay in bed and think about Jeongguk. He texted Bogum saying he hasn't been feeling good, which he just told not to worry and get well soon. He was sitting on the couch with his puffy eyes listening to music in his fluffy robe, while he was wrapped in another fluffy white blanket.

He heard someone knocking, he sighed, getting up from his comfortable position. He opened the door, and glared at the person in front of him. He tried to close the door, but Jeongguk came inside before he locked the door on him. When he entered the small cozy apartment, he got a good view of Taehyung who was wrapped up like a burrito.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung sniffled, rubbing his eyes a little.

"I was worried sick you haven't answered any of my texts or my calls."

"Yeah right, you were probably fucking other women,"

"Princess you're the only-" he leaned close to Taehyung, making Taehyung shove him a little. "Just fucking leave already yeah? If you just wanna fuck me again and again and not focus on our baby than you can happily go fuck other women!" Taehyung broke down again in tears leaning onto Jeongguk’s chest.

Jeongguk let out a sigh wrapping his waist around Taehyung's small curvy waist. "Princess look at me," he pleaded, while Taehyung just shook his head.

"Taehyung baby. I'm sorry what I said I didn't mean to say all of that also I wasn't in the right state of mind, can you forgive me?" Taehyung looks up at him and gives him a small peck on the lips making Jeongguk smile.

"Find but if you do that again you will be buried six feet under, alive" Taehyung mumbled pulling him closer to him, "Okay now come cuddle me and our little jelly bean." Taehyung dragged him towards the couch pushing so he could cuddle next to him.

A/n: Thank you guys for 300 reads on this book it means alot too me!

Enjoy! <3

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