☆Chapter 18☆

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"Where the fucking living hell were you? Why the hell did you leave Yeri all alone by herself?" Yoongi asked straight forward. As they were away from the wedding party.

"I had a last minute meeting with-"

"For fuck sakes Jeon Jeongguk what ever your doing you should stop" Yoongi remarked as he looked at him with his doubtful eyes staring him down with suspicious as well. Then he walked off heading to wear all the family members were at. Leaving Jeongguk dumbfounded.

Jeongguk let out a loud sigh as he ran his fingers through his locks. "Jeongguk your back?"

"Sorry baby, I had a last meeting again," Jeongguk exclaimed as he hugged her, letting her rest her head on his chest.

"Don't overwork yourself Gguk you seem more stressed lately and that's not good for you" Yeri said as she rubbed his cheek with her soft warm hands and gave a kiss on his forehead.

"Now let's go, my sister was asking where you were!" She chuckled as she dragged him towards the party.


Not even early they came home, both of them stumbling falling on top of eachother landing onto the bed as they laughed at each other. Yeri left sloppy kisses on Jeongguk’s lips as he just laughed into the kiss.

"Oh my god Gguk, I missed you so much" she moaned out as he left hickeys along her collar bones as he unbuttoned the top of her shirt.

"Me too baby" he mumbled against her neck. Taking off her shirt showing her rounded breasts. He pulled her into a kiss tasting the bitter sweet taste of the liquor they earlier both had.

She let out her sinful moans as Jeongguk worked his way down. Sooner he took off their clothes as he thrusted into her petite frame, holding onto her waist pulling her closer to him smelling her perfume which reminded him of a certain someone, his mind fogged up thinking of the pregnant boy.

He didn't think once or twice as he came in her. He pulled out as he laid flat next to her as she cuddled close to him, right as the moon shone under their bared body's.

One certain boy sat underneath the moonlight as he couldn't sleep. He sat there thinking, looking up at the twinkling stars.

He sat on the balcony cuddling up against himself. He tried calling Jeongguk but he didn't answer. His phone was right in front of him waiting for the phone to ring any minute.

Taehyung let out a sigh as he rubbed his tummy in circles, humming a melody, wrapping himself in his fluffy blanket.

"I guess daddy's sleeping my little angel" Taehyung said as he closed his eyes resting up against the wall. He heard the glass door open up as Jimin came in sitting next to him with his messy bed hair.

"What are you doing awake? You should be resting," Jimin spoke as he drank water from his glass cup he had.

"I can't sleep,"

"How come Tae bear?" Jimin asked as he handed him one of Jeongguk's sweatshirts that he left at the kitchen. Taehyung grabbed it, staring at it, as he pulled it over his nightgown.

"Jeongguk… he usually answers my calls whenever I call him even this late at night,"

"Baby he must be sleeping right now, did you say he was going to the wedding?"

"Your right he must be exhausted" Taehyung sighed, hugged up against the teddy bear Jeongguk gave him that one time.

"I'll be heading to sleep again, don't stay outside too long you might catch a cold," Jimin spoke as he got up leaving the overthinker boy alone.


The cold breeze hitting Taehyung as he let out a sneeze, he opened his eyes, the sun was rising. He groaned at himself, feeling his head throbbing harshly.

"God did I fall asleep here?" Taehyung asked himself sneezing again.

He opened the glass door and Jimin was barely entering Taehyung's room.

"Tae? Did you fall asleep outside?" Jimin asked, panicking as he felt Taehyung burning up.

"I'm not feeling good, hyung," Taehyung sniffed his stuffy nose. As he almost fell, Jimin caught him.

"I'm taking you to the hospital"

Taehyung woke up, in the hospital bed he looked around and saw Jimin talking to the doctor.

"Mr. Kim, good you're awake," the doctor said. Taehyung sat up feeling a bit light headed.

"Is my baby okay?" Taehyung spoke up looking at the doctor.

"Your baby is just fine, no need to worry but you did pass out from your fever since your temperature was high. All I need you to do to keep you and your baby healthy is to get as much as rest you can get and drink your medicine to get well." The doctor said as he smiled and told them that he can get discharged in two hours.

"Did Jeongguk call me back?" Jimin just shook his head as an no and Taehyung just sighed feeling irritated.

"I'll call him back later than"


Jeongguk groaned as he stretched waking up but felt someone on top of him he smiled thinking it was Taehyung,

"Morning Baby" Jeongguk whispered close to her ear, but flinched when he realized it was Yeri laying next to him.

"Morning Gguk" she stretched out as she looked at Jeongguk. He grabbed his phone checking his notification and saw 10 missed calls and a message from Jimin.

"Fuck, Yeri I'll be back around one or three I have another meeting." He lied as he got up and realized that they slept with each other last night he mentally cursed at himself and got up in a rush finding his comfy yet casual clothes.

He left heading to Taehyung's apartment building. He arrived and found Taehyung cuddled up against his giant teddy bear in his room.

"Baby" Jeongguk whispered against his ear as he got in bed as he cuddled Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung let out a hum as he opened his eyes.

"What are you doing here Ggukie?"

"I heard that you got sick. How's our baby doing? Is he alright?"

"Yeah our son is doing good," Taehyung mumbled as he cuddled up against Jeongguk.

"Thank god I was worried about you and our son," Jeongguk said as he kissed Taehyung’s neck.

Taehyung closed his eyes as he still felt exhausted and weak. "Can you cuddle me while I sleep?"

Jeongguk got out of the bed and went into his clothes finding one of his hoodies and sweatpants, from other days he spent the night over. He got back in bed and planted a kiss on top of his forehead.

Taehyung smiled as he drifted off to sleep so he could feel better and be back on his feet.

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