☆Chapter 11☆

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"Get the fuck out," Jimin whispered under his breathe, trying not to say it loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

"Let me speak to Taehyung,"

"The fuck not, are you just going to speak and say your pity apologizes? Make you look like you didn't do anything wrong?" Jimin asked, slightly closing the door on him but he opened it.

"Jimin, is it your boyfriend?" Taehyung asked, getting up from the couch as he was wrapped up in his favorite white fluffy blanket. He stopped at his tracks seeing Jeongguk standing there with a soft smile.

He resisted his urge of trying to hug him, but instead he glared at him with puffy red yet swollen eyes. "What do you want?" Taehyung said, leaning on Jimin's shoulder.

"Look princess, just let me explain please?" He was particularly begging at this point which made Taehyung feel a little bad.


He walked back to where he was laying down. "Baby?" Taehyung turned around hearing what Jeongguk just called him. Taehyung loves it when he hears Jeongguk call him that nickname, which made him feel butterflies in his stomach, he held back a smile that was slowly forming on his face.

A man with orange hair stood behind Jeongguk, Jimin gasped jumping onto Yoongi who stood there giving him a sweet smile and pecking him on the forehead. "I'm glad you could make it!" Jimin exclaimed Taehyung looked at the man as Jeongguk turned around to see who was behind him.

"Yoongi? What are you doing here?" Jeongguk asked, he looked a bit nervous since he wasn't expecting to meet one of his friends here…

"I should be asking you the same, Aren't you supposed to be with Yeri?"

"Yeah I was on my way, I was just dropping this off for one of my friends birthday, right Taehyung?"

"Huh? Oh yeah thanks Jeongguk, bye" Taehyung mumbled, taking the stuff from Jeongguk’s hand a little harshly. Has he mentally rolled his eyes at him.

"Bye Taehyung," Jeongguk waved off as Yoongi entered their apartment building.

"Ah Babe meet Taehyung, one of my friends," Jimin chirped, trying to make Yoongi not question Taehyung for knowing Jeongguk.

"Nice to meet you,-"

"How did you even meet Jeongguk?" Yoongi asked straight to the point he suspected something was up with them but he didn’t think too much of it.

"Oh me and Jeongguk will... we met at a cafe and then we started bonding y'know?" Taehyung laughed nervously as he took a step back seeing Yoongi just nod his head, he headed to his room to look at the stuff Jeongguk gave him.

Taehyung just groaned as he jumped in bed, landing on his back, setting the flowers next to him. He looked at them as he slowly rubbed his little baby bump.

He cuddled next to the big teddy bear, sniffling the lingering scent of Jeongguk. He wanted to hug him so badly but yet he was slightly still mad at him.

He started craving for some potato chips so he left his room and into the kitchen he went to grab a pack but he stopped right as he saw his best friend and his boyfriend making out on the couch.

"How dare they," Taehyung mumbled under his breath, being pissed off as they were making out on his favorite cozy couch.

Can you believe these bitches making out on my favorite couch

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Bad sexy bunny 🐰 is typing▪︎▪︎▪︎

Taehyung's eyes widened right when he noticed he sent the text to the wrong person.

"Ah shit" Taehyung mumbled under his breath, running back to his room trying not to disturb the love bird making out.

He quickly called Jeongguk, it only took a couple rings for him to answer. "That was not meant to be sent to you… don't think that i'm not still mad at you, cause I clearly am."

"Princess don't lie," Jeongguk chuckled at him, making Taehyung form a pout on the other line.

"Okay okay fine I'm not that mad at you but I'm still," Taehyung said in mumbled, he heard someone call Jeongguk’s name on the other line which Taehyung thought was his wife or so.

"Sounds like your wife is calling you…talk to you later?" He waited until Jeongguk responded but then he realized he hung up on him making Taehyung breathe out, he felt a little hurt yet he understood why he hung up on him so quickly.

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