☆Chapter 12☆

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Two good whole weeks have passed, Taehyung turned nine weeks into pregnancy which he started showing a little bit more. Him and Jeongguk have been on good terms lately, as what I mean to that they just been fucking lately.

Yoongi and Jimin have been going on dates more often. And at night he and Taehyung would go to work for a couple of hours.

Taehyung was walking to Jeongguk's workplace, it was his first time going to his office. He was currently at the elevator waiting until he arrived at the top floor where his office was.

He was playing with the hem of his shirt as he stood next to these employees who looked at him up and down wondering what he was doing here.

He got out of the elevator and soon arrived at Jeongguk's office. He opened the door and saw Yoongi sitting there on the couch talking to Jeongguk but soon turned his attention to where Taehyung was standing.

"Hi Yoongi-hyung" Taehyung waved at him nervously as Yoongi just nodded his head at him. He closed the door behind and Yoongi stood up and before he got up he spoke up, "We'll talk later," then he closed the door leaving the two alone.

"What were you guys talking about?" He asked, walking up to Jeongguk and sitting on his lap and cuddling close to him.

"I missed you" Jeongguk said, mumbling onto his neck and giving light kisses on his smooth skin.

"I missed you too, Ggukie," he pulled him in a kiss. Jeongguk bit his bottom lip making open his mouth letting him explore, Taehyung moaned out, as he started rubbing his ass onto his harderend dick.

Jeongguk's hand traveled up to his ass, giving a tight squeeze under his white skirt. The needy boy breathed out a shaky moan, his cheeks tinted with a shade of rosy red.

Jeongguk teasingly pushed his finger in his hole and pulled it back out. Making Taehyung whine.

"Just put it in,"

"Well do baby," he unzipped his pants, taking out his member, without even preparing Taehyung, he let out a small gasp feeling himself full inside. Jeongguk started to thrust up as he pinched the boy's swollen nipples, endless moans came out from him making the CEO smirk out. He started unbuttoning his white shirt falling from Taehyung's shoulders which were marked with old hickeys.

Jeongguk started sucking on Taehyung's nipples, making him moan out in sweet pleasure. "Keep going Jeon," he moaned out yet again.

He thrusted up sloppy and hard making Taehyung come letting out his loud moan. Jeongguk kept going until he came inside Taehyung. He rested his head on Jeongguk's hard chest trying to catch his breath. Jeongguk didn't pull out which made Taehyung blush slightly.

"You're showing now," Jeongguk pointed out Taehyung's small baby bump that was starting to show. Jeongguk placed his hand on top of Taehyung belly bump and gently rubbed his hand in circles. Taehyung smiled sweetly at him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I am! And that reminds me, would you like to go with me to my first ultrasound check up?" He asked with a big smile on his face hoping he would say yes.

"When is it?"

"Tomorrow after lunch,"

"I don't think I would be able to make it princess, I have two business meetings,"

"Oh well that's alright maybe next time right?" Taehyung said removing his dick from inside him and getting up and trying to fix his skirt and buttoned shirt. He felt slightly that Jeongguk wouldn't be able to make it, but he was gonna be fine there's always next time.

"I better be going,"

"You're not mad are you, princess?"

"Of course not," Taehyung forced a smile and gave one last kiss before he left.


Taehyung was getting himself ready at the strip club wearing a more revealing outfit than before. Taehyung was currently fixing his curly hair, but was stopped since he heard someone snicker behind him making him turn around.

"What now HyunA?" He asked, annoyed , rolling his eyes at her.

"You've got a little fat haven't you?No one would like to see a fat ass to strip for them." She laughed, Taehyung sent her a death glare as he walked away.

"Fat my ass," Taehyung mumbled as he knew they didn't know he was pregnant which made Taehyung laugh at them.

He later went to the stage and spotted Jimin giving Yoongi a lap dance, he smiled at that seeing his best friend being happy with someone he's dating.

He did a carousel spin and soon spotted Jeongguk again waiting for him, Taehyung cursed at himself since Yoongi didn't know what was going on between them. For five more minutes or so. Taehyung grabbed some of the money that the rich horny men threw at him, stuffing it in his outfit, he did it seductively making them throw money at him.

Later he got off the stage and went to Jeongguk dragging him to one of the vip rooms.

"What are you doing here? Yoongi is here too!" Taehyung yelled as he started to panic. Jeongguk just chuckled, giving him a kiss on the lips. Taehyung sighed, hugging Jeongguk tightly. "You won't be able to make it then?" Taehyung asked again, feeling a little ounce of hope.

"I'm sorry princess but these two business meetings are really important for the company, but bring the ultra and tell me how it goes, how does that sound?" He asked, kissing his forehead.

Taehyung just pouted thinking about it until he finally spoke up, "Fine but you will come with me next time okay?"

"Sure thing princess" he gave him one last kiss before they left for Jeongguk's place.


"Oh my god Gguk I was so scared since it was my first ultrasound, I wish you were there with me!" Taehyung pouted cutely. Showing Jeongguk the pictures of the ultrasound.

"But other than that the doctor said that our baby is healthy. Strong and healthy I should say," Taehyung smiles happily, touching his small baby bump. Jeongguk wrapped his arms around him and gave him a passionate kiss which Taehyung gladly kissed back.

A/n: Enjoy guys!

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