☆Chapter 17☆

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"Oh God Jeongguk you went a little too rough on me!" Taehyung groaned as he rubbed his butt, wincing to the pain he felt.

"At least you enjoyed it," Jeongguk gave him a peck on the lips. Taehyung wrapped his arms around his neck as Jeongguk carried him to the living room, sitting him down on the cozy couch.

"Next time please don't go rough on me. I'm begging," Taehyung whined again.

"Well see about that baby," Jeongguk chuckled as he sat next to Taehyung who was wrapped up in his soft cozy warm robe.

Taehyung leaned against Jeongguk's chest. "Gguk?"

"What is princess?" Jeongguk asked, "When our baby is born what are we going to do, are we going to have split parenting or are you gonna be divorced by Yeri by than and then we share a house together or still live here together?" Taehyung asked the question he was meaning to ask.

"Baby of course we're gonna live together and raise our little angel together, but right now just don't stress about it we have plenty of time to think of it okay?"

"Okay..." Taehyung let out a sigh as he started to feel a little drowsy.


Taehyung woke up from his little nap he took, he found himself wrapped in a blanket he, sat up trying to look for Jeongguk.

"Did he leave again?" Taehyung sighed to himself feeling a bit irritated. Than he heard the door open.

"Oh princess, you're finally awake," Jeongguk said as he walked to Taehyung, handing him a pink pastel box.

"I thought you left with Yeri,"

Jeongguk chuckled, planting a kiss on his lips, "Baby, she still thinks I'm on a business trip," he smirked, Taehyung took the pink pastel box from his hand.

"What's in here?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"It's for you a little apology present for be to rough on you last night," Taehyung blushed slightly remembering what they did last night. He opened the box revealing little bear macarons. He gasped adoring how cute the pink, brown, and white bear macarons looked.

"Gguk, these are so cute! How can I eat these!" Taehyung whined and adored them

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"Gguk, these are so cute! How can I eat these!" Taehyung whined and adored them.

"I'll buy you more princess," he chuckled as he sat next to him and hugged his waist. Taehyung took a bite of the delicious tasty pastry. "Mmh, here try it!" Taehyung said to Jeongguk as he fed him and then he took a bite.

"They are delicious but I still prefer you," he smirked, which earned a slap on his arm.

"Jeongguk! You pervert!" Taehyung blushed madly as he cuddled close to him, munching on his treats.

"How's our little angel doing?" Jeongguk asked as he placed his hand on Taehyung's tummy, feeling the baby bump.

"Your getting big princess, when's your next appointment? So I can go with you," Jeongguk asked.

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