☆Chapter 8☆

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Taehyung moaned out as Jeongguk took his time eating him out, feeling his wet tongue inside him which felt nice for Taehyung, he grabbed his head pushing him to go deeper.

A few minutes later he came out untouched. He breathed out, trying to catch his breath. He was currently at Jeongguk's condo and he decided that he wasn't going to go to work for two or so days.

Taehyung woke up feeling no one next to him he yawned, getting up as he headed towards the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Morning princess," Jeongguk said, taking a sip from his coffee. Taehyung went up to him leaning on him , feeling not so good.

"I don't feel too well," Taehyung whined, resting his head on his neck.

"You wanna go to the doctors?" Jeongguk asked lifting Taehyung's face up as he looked a little pale.

"No," he walked away from Jeongguk, getting a cup of water. He filled the cup, taking a sip. He started feeling light headed, he walked towards the chair to sit down, but then he fell passing out. Before he fell Jeongguk caught him.

"Hey hey Taehyung wake up," Jeongguk said, slapping Taehyung's face not so hard, trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't wake up.


"Where am I?" Taehyung groaned out as he looked around, Jeongguk got up from the small couch he was sitting at, and got up hugging Taehyung.

"What happened?" Before Jeongguk could speak up the doctor came in holding his clipboard.

"Mr. Kim, how are you feeling?" The doctor asked to check his heart rate and his pleasure.

"I'm feeling a little weak but how did I end up here?" Taehyung asked, feeling his head throbbing in pain.

"You passed out earlier, since you're currently 6 weeks pregnant, have some rest, eat well, and don't stress about anything alright?"

"Wait wait wait, what? Am I pregnant? Jeongguk can you believe this nonsense?" Taehyung scoffed at not believing what the doctor was telling him.

"Mr. Kim? You're pregnant, do you want me to have an ultrasound?"

"How...what?" Taehyung asked as for Jeongguk he stood there with his shocked expression, his eyes going wide not believing this either, he just impregnated a stripper while he's still married to his wife, making him a cheater. "Fuck," he groaned out rubbing his face with his hands trying to control his anger.

"Please excuse me," the doctor said, stepping out of the room leaving the two alone, in the thick tension.

"Fucking hell you should've been more careful!" Jeongguk shouted at him.

"Me? Careful? You were the one who fucked me while I was drunk! And you wouldn't leave me alone!-"

"You also asked for more begging me to fuck you!" Jeongguk shouted back, feeling all his anger burst out. "If you don't want the baby that's growing inside of you than fucking abort it! Problem solved!" He reasoned out.

"I hate this! I hate you!" Taehyung yelled, throwing the pillow at Jeongguk.

"Just take me home you bitch!" Taehyung cried out covering his face with his palms. Jeongguk let out his breath he was holding then walked up to Taehyung hugging him making him feel guilty for making him cry.

"Hey hey princess don't cry. We'll figure something out," He kissed the top of Taehyung's forehead, making him look at him with his teary eyes.

"Gguk I wanna keep the baby, but I'm scared," he whispered out nuzzling closer to him. Jeongguk didn't want him to keep the baby but it would be nice to have a mini them running around but the only bad thing was his wife, Yeri would freak out, knowing that he was cheating behind her back.

"Your body is your choice, I'll support you either way," he said, leaving a small soft kiss on his forehead, making Taehyung let out a giggle.


"Gguk where are you going?" Taehyung groaned, feeling Jeongguk get up from the bed.

"I'll be back baby someone's at the door," he said while putting on his bathrobe and heading towards the door.

He opened the door revealing a girl with her black hair and her bangs covering slightly her eyes.

"Hi! I'm Park Soo-young, I'm your new neighbor next door, and I was wondering if-" she was cut off

"No" Taehyung appeared behind Jeongguk giving him a kiss on his hickey that Taehyung left last night.

"I wasn't asking you sir." Soo-young said, rolling her eyes at him, then she gave a small pout looking at Jeongguk who had a bored look.

"I'll see you later handsome," she blew a kiss looking at Jeongguk who rolled his eyes at her.

Taehyung pulled Jeongguk by the neck, kissing him roughly and letting out a moan. He glared at the thought of the girl trying to seduce Jeongguk, he was getting Jelous for no reason as if they were something, all they were fuck buddies who Jeongguk got him pregant and are now fuck buddies who are gonna be parents.

"God she seems so annoying," Taehyung said, closing the door behind him.

"Jealous much?"

"Shut up! And make me something to eat," Taehyung said, rubbing his ass since it still hurt from last night's event. He called jimin telling him that he would go to the club tomorrow and he already told him that he was having a baby which, Jimin said, "I fucking knew it!"

Taehyung laid in bed as Jeongguk was eating him out, making the pregnant boy let out soft moans. He started leaving hickeys on the side of his thighs, making Taehyung blush out as he let out lewd moans. Jeongguk smirked as he started tongue fucking him. He licked a stride on his pink swollen hole. Making the boy arch his back, Jeongguk pushed off his fingers inside him, he slowly pushed in and out, making Taehyung's mouth agape wide open his moans were louder and louder.

He hit his climax letting out his cum splattered onto the bed sheets. Jeongguk planted one more kiss before lying next to Taehyung.

A/n: Enjoy everyone!

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