Chapter: 27

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Hey guys! I actually kept kept my promise and updated when I said I would!

~~~~~~~~~Ash's POV

I was in the living room waiting for everyone to arrive. This party is going to be amazing! We decorated the house with black lights , and got glow in the dark paint, and decorations.

For the party I threw on a black skater skirt, along with a flowy tank top along with my converse. (Outfit to the side, or at the top, if your on a mobile device.)

I heard the door bell ring and I went to go answer it. I opened the door, and Ellington was standing there, hugging a black painted desk lamp.

"Uh, Ell," I said.

"Yeah Ash?"

"Why are you holding a desk lamp?"

"Because it's a black light party," He said in his duh-tone. I mentally face-palmed myself. This kid needs help sometimes I swear.

"Yes, it is a black light party, as in glow in the dark, not legit black lights," I told him.


"Just get in the dang house," I told him stepping aside.


People started piling into the house soon, and it started to get really crowded. I pushed through a crowd of people, looking for Ross. I saw a glimpse of a Romeo and Juliet t-shirt.


I made my way to him, on the way there getting kicked in the knee, elbowed in the eye, and shoved into to a couple making out but I still made it.

"Hey Rossy," I shout over the music, giving him a side hug.

"Hey!" He shouts back.

"Did you see some Lauren girl anywhere?" I asked him.

"Lauren from calculus?"

"How does everyone know her but me?!" I asked him wondering.

"Let's just say your not the most observant person."

I playfully shoved him, and laughed.

"But seriously, have you seen her?" I asked.

"Yea, she went somewhere with Jake I think," he said pointing towards the game room.

"Thanks! See ya!"

I headed off in the direction Ross pointed to, and ran into Raini and Calum on the way.

"Hey party people!" I shouted over the music. This music is seriously getting on my nerves.

"Hola senorita!" Raini said back.

"Who would've thought this would've been a glow in the dark black light party, I brought my literal black light!" Calum shouted with a pout on his face. I face palmed myself.

"Idiot," Raini muttered under her breath.

"Hey! I heard that!" Calum shouted.

"Believe it or not, he's not the only person that brought a black desk lamp," I told Raini rolling my eyes.

"Who else on Earth would bring one that isnt't this bimbo over here?" She asked.


"Oh, I should've seen that coming," She said understanding.

"Yeah," I said, "Where's Laura at?"

"She left like 10 minutes ago to get some punch, I don't know what happened to her," Calum said.

"Oh, well see ya's! I gotta go find some Lauren chic!" I said.

"Lauren Dorento from you and Laura's calculus class?" She asked.

Seriously? How does everyone know her but me?

"Yes! Her! Have you seen her?" I asked.

"Um yeah, she's over there with that guy you guys hang around with," Raini answered.


I pushed my way through the crowd, until I finally reached them.

What the heck am I supposed to say to her? I'll be like, "Oh yeah! Hey Lauren, This is the girl from that has no idea who you are!"

That would be the awkwardest situation of my life. I decided to do pull the talk to them like you've known them your whole life card.

"Hey Laur! How's it going? I haven't talked to you in forever!" I said propping my arm up on her shoulder.

"Um, yeah, if I remember correctly, the last time you talked to me was to ask for the answer to a math problem, like 3 months ago," She said, "Wait, your actually the one who couldn't remember who I was, you texted me like yesterday asking me who I was..."

"Well," Jake sighs, "I'm just going to leave you to alone, so you can continue your awkward conversation alone." He gestured with his thumb behind him, and walked away.

"I'm just gonna go," I said seeing Rocky in the kitchen. I walked over to him, and saw Callie was there to.

"Hey Ash! want some punch?" He asked gesturing towards the panda punch I made out of a recipe from a Littlest Pet Shop coloring book.

What? Don't judge me.

"Yeah sure," I said.

He poured some into a red solo cup for me, and I started to sing 'Red Solo Cup.'

"Red Solo cup, I fill you up! Let's have a party, proceed to party," I sang at the top of my lungs.

Rocky laughed, and joined in. When we finished our little singing sesh, he handed me my punch.

I took a big sip, not realizing how thirsty I actually was. I felt the liquid in the back of my throat, and automatically new that it wasn't just punch that was in my cup.

"Rocky!" I yelled, "Did you spike my punch?"

"What? No! I just dished it out of punch bowl!" He yelled putting his hands up in surrender.

Uhh huh.

I walked away, taking some sips of my drink, because I was still extremely thirsty. Before I knew it, I was on my third cup of the punch, and I started to feel a little tipsy.

i stumbled to Ross, unconsciously taking another sip of my drink.

"Hey Ross," I slurred. I clung to his arm so I wouldn't lose balance.

"Are you drunk?!" He asked worried.

"No, you can even ask Sponge bob, he's been sitting there on the sink watching me the whole time," I said pointing towards 'Spongebob.'


Ross's POV


I mentally face-palmed, and looked over at the yellow sponge sitting on the counter near the sink.

Yup, she's definitely drunk.

"C'mon, follow me," I told her.

She wouldn't move, so I picked her up bridal style, and carried her up the stairs. I was planning on putting her on her bed in Rydels room, but there was a change of plans. When I walked into Rydel's room, I saw her and Ratliff in a make-out session. I'm happy, but not at the same time, but I'm mostly disgusted.

I closed the door, and brought her into Ryland and I's room. I tucked her into me bed, and kissed her forehead.

I don't see how she could've even got drunk in the first place, because there is no alcohol, I at least think there isn't any.

"Ross?" Ash asked.

"Hmm?" I said.

"Why is Sponge bob stalking me?"


Hey! I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, it was a little bit on the longer side for once because my chapters are usually really short. See ya!


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