Chapter: 17

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Ash's POV

"You do realize, that I can give you the 2,000 dollars for his guitar right," Ell said.

"I just had to work at a smoothie bar for 4 hours, and you're just telling me this now? But anyways, I can't take the money from you, I'll feel horrible, and I would still have to work here because I would have to pay you back," I told him.

Ellington is the most nicest guy ever, seriously, who the heck would offer to give someone 2,000 dollars, to buy their boyfriend a guitar?

"Well, let me think about it, I'm famous, so I make about 20,000 a week, so do you really think I am going to spend all of that?" He told me.

"Good point, but I will still feel bad because it's your money," I argued.

"I don't care that it's my money! I will by the stinking guitar and give it to Ross myself! I am giving you the money for it whether you like it or not!" He retorted.

He's a pushy fella isn't he.

"Alright, alright, lets go buy the guitar, I don't wanna be argued with anymore," I told him rolling my eyes.

"See, pushy, purple penguins always win," He smirked.

"Yes, yes they do," Ell spoke the truth. Pushy, purple penguins always win.

Even though skateboarding isn't 'aloud' in the mall, we do it anyways, we never got caught either, so why not do it again?

We made or way to the music store, and I walked up to the guitar I knew Ross wanted.

"This is the one," I told Ellington pulling it off the shelf. I could see why Ross wants it so badly, it's gorgeous. Even though I wasn't planning on getting it in the first place, I'm happy I'm getting it for him.

We were in the check-out line, when I saw a camera flash from behind us.

There were 3 starstruck fan girls behind us, with their jaws dropped.

I know why, me and Ell are sexy beasts.

"Your Ratliff from R5!" The first girl mumbled out.

"And your Ash Densing! Ross' girlfriend!" Another one said.

"Can we get an autograph and a picture?" The other girl asked.

"Of course!" Me and Ell replied at the same time.

We happily signed some pictures, and took the picture with them.

We bought the guitar, and headed out of the store. "Hey Ell?" I said.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Can I see your phone?"


"Just cause."

I hurriedly took a million selfies, and then I continued on doing what I was planning to do.

I  went through his contacts until I found HollyWood Records. Perfect.

I called the number, and waited for them to pick up.

"Hello, this is Bruce from HollyWood Records, how may I help you?" Bruce said answering.

"Umm hey, this is Ash, Ross' girlfriend, I'm calling from Ellinton's phone," I said through the speaker.

"Oh, hey Ash, good to talk to you again," He said.

"same to you to, but I need to ask a favor from you," I said.

"Go on," he said.

*One month later*

(sorry for the time lapse, I just wanted to get to Ross' birthday)

Today is Ross' birthday party, and I have a huge surprise for him, I'mj sure he is going to love it.

Of course his birthday is tomorrow, but the party is today. I had Stromie take him out to the mall, while the Lynch's, Ell, Danni, Callie, Ella, and Drake helped me out with the party.

Everything was almost done, so I decided to go out for a walk. I was almost to the park, when something hard hit my head, and all I remember is slumping onto the pavement, into a deep sleep...

A/N - Yeah, I know cliff hangers suck, and so do time lapses, but I just wanted to get to this part already... Haha.. and ya know how some people have names for their readers? Well I want to call you guys something, but I don't know what, so comment some suggestions below.. thanks! -Ashley

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