Chapter: 25

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Ash's POV

My first thought was, "Why the H-E double hockey stick is there like 100 people in my yard, and why are they shouting at me?"

But then I remembered it was my birthday, and I got excited.

I had absolutely no idea whatsoever that they were going to do this.

I was too shocked to say anything, so I went around and gave every person there a hug.

Some of them I didn't even know, so that was a tad awkward.. It's like, 'Hey stranger! Im going to give you a hug right now!'

I ended the hug train with giving Ross an extra long hug.

"This still doesn't explain why everyone kept leaving me at the mall," I mumbled into his chest.

"Wanna see why?" He asked.

"Well yeah!"

We walked along the edge of the pool, until the garage showed up.

"For you, birthday girl," He opened the door while gesturing for me to go through it.

I rounded the corner andー"Holy mother fudging fuse balls," I mumbled looking at what's ahead of me.

There was a tower of presents ahead of me stacked on one of the tables.

"Some of these are for you guys right?" I gawked, hoping they all weren't for me. I mean yeah, I'm glad they got me stuff, but now I feel spoiled.

"Well is today our birthday's?" Ross asked staring at me with those hazel eyes of his.

Gosh, they're just so mesmerizing.

I shrugged my shoulders, and smiled, while he grabbed my hand and lead me back to the party.

We ran into Rocky and I forced him to give me a piggy-back ride.

Rocky glared at me, and I smirked.

"What? Can't a girl get a piggy-back ride on her birthday?"

He got a devilish look in his eyes, and I just ignored it, considering it was the way his eyes always were.

Apparently I shouldn't of ignored because, well, I sort've got a piggy-back ride into the pool.

Good thing I decided not to wear white today.

When I resurfaced, I saw Rocky and Jake in the water next to me laughing there stupid heads off.

"What is it with you people and throwing me into water? It's not very nice if I say so myself," I said.

"It's just one of our hobbies I guess," he told me.

I flashed him the finger and then leaped out of the pool.

"To Ash! My best friend, my room mate, my rock, but most importantly, my sister," Rydel said over the microphone.

I feel a tear forming already.

"We've been together through so much, and I can't believe she's seventeen already! When I first met her, I thought she was shy, and would never talk, but look at her now! She talks every five seconds, and she doesn't have a filter, but that's what makes her herself, and I absolutely love her for that. Happy Birthday!"

Awe, tears were silently streaming down my face right about now.

Rydel ran up to me and gave me a hug, but quickly pulled away.

"Did I seriously make you cry that much, or did you decide to take a swim with your clothes on..." She trailed off.

"Well, it wasn't exactly my choice if I wanted to take a swim or not because sloth man over here," I pointed towards the smirking Rocky, "Decided to throw me in the pool."

"Good one bro!" She said fist pumping him.

I gave her the 'look'.

"Or not, not good one bro... is what I meant to stay," She muttered not wanting to feel my wrath.

I don't blame her.

"Much better," I replied to her.


A/N I feel like a jerk because I promised an update last week, which never happened so here's what I wrote so far. The next chapter will be up soon! Hopefully by next Saturday.

Should I start doing book recommendations at the end of the chapters? For something interesting I guess irdk. See ya! ~Ash

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