Chapter: 1

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I blushed and looked at the back seat where I was supposed to sit. Ross and I made I contact, and he smirked. I waved in return. I finally had the courage to move and I took my place in between Ross and Rocky.

I cannot believe this is actually happening!

"Well believe it," Ross said with a smirk.

Wait, did I just say that out loud?


"Ugh!" I replied.

"And that too," he said laughing.

"I said that out loud on purpose," I answer playfully hitting him. "So how old are you?" Ryland asked.

"Fifteen," I answered

"Me too," replied Ross.

"How come your not talking?" Riker asked Rydel.

"I'm just excited, that there is finally another girl in the house!" She squealed.

"So Ashley-" I interrupted Rocky before he could finish, "Call me Ash, I hate being called my full name, continue."

"So, Ash, do you play any instruments?" He asked putting more emphasis on the 'Ash'.

Heh, I play a ton of them, suckers.

"Yup," I said popping the P, "Keyboard, guitar, drums, and the bass."

All of there jaws dropped in amazement.

"Were here!" Stormie shouted.

I hopped out of the car, and went to get my bags, but two strong arms stopped me. I looked back and it was Ross. "Ill get them, and by the way I was chosen to give you a tour of the house," he said smirking.

"Thanks, and okay!" Boy I can get used to this.

We approached their rather large house and Ross opened the door for me.

"Why thank you, young sir," I said in a British accent.

"No problem ma lady," he replied in the same accent.

We both erupted into a fit of giggles, over it. "Your house is huge!" I said dropping my jaw.

"Correction, our house is huge," he said smiling.

"Right our house," I said quietly.

"Your gonna be staying in Rydels room," he said opening a door into a all pink room.

"It's very, well pink," I said a little overwhelmed.

"Yah, it's her favorite color, If you couldn't tell," he answered. He put my bags down, and guided me back into the hallway.

"This is me and Ryland's room here," he said pointing one room down," and here is Rocky and Riker's room," he said pointing across the hall.

"Got it," I replied.

"Next stop, the kitchen," he said pulling me down the steps.

"So here's the kitchen, dining room, and livingroom," he said.

"Cool, now can I go unpack, PLEASE?!" I asked.

"Ugh fine," he answered.

I walked back up the may I mention HUGE staircase back up to my room, and when I reentered my room, Rydel was in there.

"Wanna help me unpack?" I asked her.

"Okay!" She said enthusiastically.

"What's this?" She asked pulling out a leather book. "Oh, that's my um, songbook," I answered looking down.

"You write?" She asked.

"Yah, not much though," I said.

I pulled out all of my R5 posters, and chuckled. "I guess I won't be needing these anymore," I said.

"Nope, you have the real deal now," she answered smiling.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her put something in her drawer. "What was that?" I asked suspicious.

"Oh, it was just my phone," she replied nonchalantly.


I pulled out an old photo album of me and my family. I haven't looked at it in years, but for some reason, I opened it and started looking through the pages.

I flipped to the next page and saw a picture of my older brother Mike hugging me. I felt a tear roll down my face, and I took the picture out, and placed it in a frame, that I rested on my nightstand.

"Kids! Dinners done!" Stormie yelled up the stairs.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes, and hurried back downstairs. The only open seat, was in between Ross, and Ryland, so I took it.

Ross looks at me and says, "It looks like you've been crying, whats wrong?"


"Oh it was just an old picture of me and my brother I saw, and it made me cry, I fine now, I promise," I said looking up at him.

He draped an arm around me and gave me a half hug. "You sure your okay?" He asked. "Im fine, I promise," I said.

We stared into each others eyes, for who knows how long, but I remembered how hungry I was, and I turned away and focused my attention towards my food.

I took a bite of my lasagna and Oh my god it was delicious!

We finished, and I helped Stormie clean up after. I checked the time on the clock, and it was 8:30 already.

Exhausted, I plopped myself onto the couch next to Ross. "Wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked.

"Sure, which one?"

"I vote on Paranormal Activity 4," replied Rocky.

"I saw that 4 times," I answered, that's ironic, haha.

"Umm, how about, Transformers?" Suggested Riker.

"I saw that a few times too," I said, in a n Australian accent.

"Ooh, I know, how bout Pitch Perfect?" Asked Rydel with the same accent.

"Okay," I said.

Halfway through the movie, I got tired, and rested my head on Ross' lap. Eventually, I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to giggling, and the sounds of a camera flashing.

I opened my eyes, and saw Rydel, Riker, Rocky, and Ryland standing there. I tried to get up. But I realized Ross had is arm around around me, and we were laying on the couch, with my head on his chest, and we slept like that.

"Oh, haha," I said to them, instantly feeling my cheeks heat up.

Ross started to stir, and he opened his eyes. "Hey beautiful," he said to me.

Wait what?

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