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Ross' POV

I looked to my right, and saw nothing but clouds. That's pretty much all I've seen for the past two hours.

"Passengers, please buckle your seat belts, and turn off all your electronics. We will be starting our descent into New York City shortly," The flight-attendant said over the loudspeaker. It's funny how all flight-attendants voices sound like robots...


Soon enough, we were all headed off the plane, and ready to search for Ash. I still can't believe this was all my fault. I looked down, and fiddled with the hem of my shirt, nervous of how Ash will react when we find her.


Ash's POV

I rubbed my hands against my arms, in hope to be warmer, but my attempt failed. I slightly frowned, considering ways of how to stay warm.

Who new that New York City would be so cold?

I was sick of walking, so I sat outside an apartment complex, and brought my knees to my chest. As people were walking past, I got several looks of sympathy, and some people even set money down next to me.

Do I really look that bad?

I pulled out my phone, and looked in my camera. The first word that came out of my mouth was eww.

My hair looked all greasy, and I had a ton of dirt on my skin. I could really use a shower.

'If I didn't leave none of this would be happening right now.'

'Shut up mind! I did it for the best!'

Am I seriously having an argument inside my head right now? I leaned my head against the wall, and groaned. Not having a home is turning me into a crazy person.

I slowly closed my eyes, and started to drift off to sleep. I was almost fully asleep, but I felt someone grabbing at my arm.

Oh no.

I quickly flashed open my eyes, and it turned out to be a lady in maybe her late thirties, early forties.

"Sweetie, I cannot let you out here like this," she said pulling me up.

Um okay.

"I don't even now you," I said.

"And your point is..?" She said.

"Haven't you ever heard of the term, 'Stranger Danger'?" I questioned.

She showed a small smirk, and said, "Oh forget that rule for a second, what's important now, is getting you a safe place to stay! How old are you anyways? Seventeen? Eighteen?"

"Whatever, and I'm sixteen by the way," I replied. (Sorry if I mentioned a different age earlier in the story, I'm not sure if I did or not, but just in case, sorry!)

She helped me up, and I followed her inside. "I'm Ashley by the way, but call me Ash," I said.

"Okay, Ash, I'm Rosemary, but call me Rosy," She said.

"My nephews and my niece will love you, I know that for a fact," She smiled.

"Cool, are they at your house now or..?" I waited for her to answer.

"Oh, they're actually on there way here now, they just got of their plane a few minutes ago, so they should be here in a few minutes," Rosy said.

We made our way to a room, and she fumbled around in her pocket, until she found an entry card. She held it to a scanner-looking thing, and then the door popped open.

"So this is where I live," She said.

"Cool," I answered nonchalantly.

"You can set your stuff down over here!" She gestured towards the floor next to her couch.

I walked over, and set my guitar down, then pulled off my backpack, and set it next to it.

"So I see you play guitar," She said.


"Can you play me something?" She asked.

I sighed, and put the strap around my neck.

I strummed the first few chords of Forget About You, and I saw Rosy's eyes light up.


Rocky' POV

We exited the elevator, and walked down the hallway. I heard a faint sound of a guitar playing down the hallway.

As we got closer, I suddenly recognized the song.

I can't Forget About You.

"Guys, do you hear that," I said.

They all nodded their heads in response.

We got loser to the door, and I could've sworn it was coming from inside.


Ash's POV

I sang the last few lyrics, and when I finished Rosy had a bright mile on her face.

"You know, my niece and nephews-" She got caught off by the doorbell ringing.

"Oh! That must be them now!" She said hurrying towards the door. I looked down, and saw that I was still a gross mess. As she was about to open the the door, I said, "You know, I'm gonna go wash up." I pointed towards the bathroom. I picked my bag up, and walked towards the bathroom.

I closed the door, and I heard a chorus of 'hellos' from the the other side of the door. I stripped my clothes off, and stepped into the nice warm water.


Ross's POV

Aunt Rosy opened the door, and gave us all hugs. I haven't seen her in forever. We're staying at her apartment until we find Ash, but I'm happy, I love my Aunt Rosy.

"Was someone just playing guitar in here?" Rocky questioned.

"Yeah! As a matter of fact, she will be staying here for a few days...What's her name again? Dang, I forgot it, lemme go ask her," She said. She is so forgetful sometimes. What I find weird was that the 'girl' was playing one of our songs.


Ash's POV

I stepped out of the bathroom, and I heard a familiar giggle. This cannot be happening. I was about to walk straight back into the bathroom, but Rosy came over and stopped me.

"Don't be shy," she said, "they won't bite." Mhm.

I was being dragged towards the living room, and I finally escaped once we got to the couch. Phew, at least one of them were looking. Wait. No. No. No. No. No.

I started to run away, but he already jumped up, and was after me.

"ASH!" Ross called. Shoot.

"That's her name!" Rosy shouted, "Wait, you guys know each other?"

"You never asked for my last name," I said. She raised her eyebrow.

"It's Lynch."

"Whoa," She said.

Everyone's eyes were on me again, and I looked down embarrassed. I saw tears fall down Ross' face, and I instantly felt guilty, even though he's the reason I left in the first place. He tried to pull me in for a hug but I refused.

"Don't touch me," I replied, backing into a wall.

"But Ash, I didn't mean anything I said, I still love you," Ross said.

"Bish whet?" Rosy said. Man, do I love this lady.


Author's Note- How'd you guys like the chapter? I had a writers block for the longest time, and then yesterday I suddenly though of this idea, so yeah! Do you think Ash is going to forgive Ross? Comment what you think below;) ~Ash

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