Chapter: 20

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Ash's POV

I was panicking, I felt to young to die. But thank goodness there wasn't any bullets in the gun otherwise, I would be dead right now. I might as well be dead though, because right now I don't have a home. Why? Here's the whole story.

"One more step and the girl's dead!" This so-called Jarred guy said. Before I knew it, he had his gun pointed towards my head, and I felt like a defenseless little girl. I was scared for my life, I was to scared to move.

The door was busted down, and two policemen entered the room. "Put your hand up!" One of them yelled. I heard the gun go off, and I braced myself, I wasn't ready to die. I was waiting for the bullet to pierce my head, but nothing. The policemen tackled him, and I felt someone cutting off the chains that bound me to the ground.

Ross roughly yanked me off the ground, and dragged me out of the building. Saying I was pissed at him, would be an understatement. I was just nearly put to death, I have broken bones all over my body, and I am bleeding all over the place, yet he still chooses to drag me to the car.

He opened the car door, and set me in the seat. He slammed my car door, and followed pursuit when he got into his side of the car.

What the heck his problem?!

He started the engine, and started off down the road. "Where are we going?" I asked, because we clearly weren't headed towards the hospital.

"Home," he said, not taking his eyes off the road, "You don't deserve a hospital."

What did I do to him?

"You know Ross, I did nothing wrong, I don't know what the fudge your problem is, but snap out of it! Im freaking injured for christ's sake and I don't deserve a hospital?" I shouted, tears spilling out of my eyes.

We pulled into the driveway, and Ross turned to me. I could see the rage in his eyes, and I was scared about what was going to come out of his mouth.

"You know what Ash! Stop playing the victim here, because you aren't! How do you think I felt, after you made out with my brother, and never told me!"


"That was months ago!" I retorted, "I just got caught up in the moment okay! I have no feelings for your brother at all! I freaking love you Ross! Why can't you see that?!"

"Even though it was months ago, it still happened, and my heart was practically ripped out when Rocky told me! Plus! You tore me and my brother apart! Why'd you have to come into our lives in the first place! My life is torn to shreds right now, all because of you!" I was angry, and broken, and I was balling my eyes out.

"You deserved to be kidnapped, I fudging hate you!"

"I take it back, I can't believe I ever loved you!" I yelled at him.

"I hate you!" He screamed.

I was broken. The tears stopped falling, I was just frozen.

I unbuckled my seat belt, and limped my way into the house. I didn't look back once.

Slowly, I made my way up the stairs, and into Rydel and I's room. I packed some clothes, the money my parents left for me, and the picture of my family. I grabbed my guitar also, and through it over my back. I wrote Rydel a note saying;

Rydel, I don't want to do this, but i have to. I destroyed your family, and I can't stand being here knowing that. Im sorry, but I have to. Tell everyone I'll miss them, except for Ross, ask him for the details of why I left, he knows every single detail. Don't bother looking for me, because I won't do any good for this family. I will always remember you as my sister, and most importantly, my best friend. I'm gonna miss you,

xoxo, ash

I left it on Rydel's bed, knowing she will see it.

There was tears rolling down my face as I wrote that, but I don't really care. Of course I will always miss them, except for one particular individual, but it's for the best, they will be in my heart forever.

I grabbed Ross's birthday present, and I took one last look at my bedroom, then I closed the door, and limped down the steps.

Ross was in the living room, so I walked in, and through his guitar at him.

"Happy Birthday. Take your 2,000 dollar guitar, and leave me the fu** alone for the rest of my life."

His eyes softened, and I opened the door, but before I left, I took one last look, at what I thouht would be my home for the rest of my life, and then I left.

I walked to the only place I knew would get me away from here, LAX.

I knew I was in absolutely no shape to travel, but I promised myself I would go to the hospital the second I landed off that plane. Before I left, I smashed my phone, and through it away, so they wouldn't be able to track me again.

"Flight to New York City is boarding," The intercom lady said.

Well, here we go, the start of a new life, by myself, so I don't screw up anyone else's lives.

A/N - This chapter is pretty long, don't ya think? Sorry it took me so long to update, but yeah. Do you think the Lynch's will ever be able to find Ash? Please vote, and comment, it really means a lot to me.

xoxo, ash

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