Chapter: 34

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Ash's POV

I've been seeing this girl around lately. She's a brunette, and a couple of inches taller than me.

Normally I wouldn't mind seeing a random person around all the time because that's just how this family works, but this time I do mind, because this tall, strikingly beautiful brunette is only hanging out with one member of our family, and that member just has to be Ross.

It kind of hurts to see Ross move on so quickly. Actually, it's more like the weight of the world was inflicted onto my chest. Maybe he never liked me in the first place,  maybe he just dated me out of pity. Yeah, I know I shouldn't care about this anymore because Ross and I are completely done for, but I just can't seem to let it go. If he can move on from me, I guess I'll just have to try to move on from him.


"Bowling time señorita's!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down in my rented bowling shoes.

"I can't believe you're excited to wear these old, crusty, stupid stripes shoes," Ella muttered in disgust. Currently, she was holding her bailing shells between her pointer finger and thumb, and holding them as far away as possible from herself, as if they are the plague.

"Oh come on, they are perfectly fine shoes! They're only going on your feet anyways, it's not like they're going on your head!" Callie retorted in disbelief.

I picked a shiny yellow eight pound bowling ball and placed it onto the rack. Thinking of my favorite color made my heart hurt. It reminded me of Ross, because we both share the love for yellow.

I sighed, trying to forget Ross, but for some reason he wouldn't leave my mind.

"Ash, do you want bumpers or no bumpers?" Becca asked, entering our names into the machine.

"Umm, I think I'm going to brave it up and do no bumpers today ladies," I said smiling. Normally, I use bumpers. In fact, I actually don't think that I ever bowled without bumpers. This game should be plenty fun.

"Whatever you say, chick-a-dee," Becca said, putting me in as no bumpers.


"Ash, your up," Danni said after taking her turn. She got eight pins and the spare.

I let out a long stream of air, and started stretching. I needed to be prepared for the first time I would send a bowling ball down a bumper less lane.

I cracked my neck, then proceeded to pick up my ball, and approached the lane. I took a deep breath, and swung my arm back, and then let go of the ball.

"It's going straight! I'm going to hit the pins!" I shouted attracting the attention of others in surroundings lanes. 

The ball suddenly swerved to the left, going into the gutter.

"Nevermund," I sighed going to the ball return. There were still people in the bowling alley looking at me, and I told them the shows over, and to mind their own business.

My ball came up the return and onto the rack.

I can do this, I told myself.

The ball rolled down the lane, and crashes into the pins.

"Seven, eight, nine," I counted the pins knocked down. Suddenly the tenth pin fell over, and I jumped up and down. It wasn't a strike, but it was still a spare and I still knocked down every single pin, and that's all that matters.

"Come on! Try it without the bumpers! I'm sure you'll do just fine!" Ross said hugging me from behind.

"Yeah, and I'm sure the ball will land in the gutter," I mumbled, turning around to face him, the handsome, blonde boy who I had the pleasure to call mine.

"And I'm sure, that the second time you swing the ball will hit every single pin," he said, kissing my forehead.

I suddenly didn't feel too up for bowling, the memory still fresh in my mind. It was from one of Ross and I's first dates. When he was trying to convince me to bowl without the bumpers, I still used the bumpers anyways.

Too bad Ross isn't here to see this. He would've been so happy.

I went into a stall and sat on the floor with my back learning against the side wall. I didn't feel anything. In fact, I felt numb.

After a good five minutes of trying to give myself a pep talk to finally get over him. I got up, and decided that it was impossible to stop loving Ross. I opened the stall door, just as a male walked through the door.

"Woah, woah, woah! What do you think you're doing in the women's bathroom?" I asked in disgust.

"What I think I'm doing is cleaning it, because that's my job," he said with a mop in his hands. Where did he get the...oh. He had a cart of cleaning supplies. That's when I realized he has a waiter's uniform on. Wait a second. Waiter's uniform?

"Do they have new types of waiters that clean the restrooms? Or are you just a perverted old creep?" I asked, moving my gaze to his face. I was too distracted by the fact that he was a boy to notice that he was a teenage boy with brown hair that kind of looks like Tyler Posey's... And brown eyes, like Tyler Posey's...

"Are you..."

"Tyler Posey?" He asked, finishing my sentence, "No, I'm not. In fact, I'm Scott Hale."

Woah. That would be so weird, but it's probably not his real name, he's most likely pushing my buttons.

"I'm Tyler Posey's cousin, well second cousin, and it just so happens that we look very much alike," Another thing, that probably isn't true, "Speaking of Tyler, I haven't seen him in awhile, but anyways, he's a pretty cool guy," he said, stepping towards me. Now I see what he's trying to do.

"You got me distracted," I rolled my eyes, "Now really tell me why your in the girl's bathroom," I replied stepping closer to him on instinct.

Is my stomach a gymnast? Because it's doing flips.

"It's none of your business, considering I'm an employee here, which grants me access to every room in the building," he smirked, taking another step closer to me. At this point, we were a mere three inches away from each other.

Before I knew, my fist was lifted in the air halfway through punching him in the face. Sadly, he caught my fist with the palm of his hand right before it made contact with his face. He moved my hand behind his neck, smushing me up against his body.

My mind was telling me to resist, but my body apparently wasn't listening to orders from my brain for the time being. He was looking into my eyes, and within seconds, his lips were pressed against mine, and I wish I could tell you I pulled back, but I would be lying. When we separated for air, he had a smirk on his face and I felt like punching, well attempting to punch him in the face again.

I pried myself out of his grip, and I ran out of the bathroom and the bowling alley entirely.

And that my friends, was my first experience with the so-called Scott Hale, and it ended up not being the last.



I'm sorry for the long wait, and the shortness of the chapter. I'm also sorry that all of my author's notes are apologies now a days, and for all the excuses of why I wasn't update. I sustained a wrist injury two months ago, and I couldn't type, but now it's basically healed and I know longer half too wear the immobilizer, so therefore I'm able to update more frequently.

I'm going to start working on the next chapter right away since this chapter was so short, and I hope you all are still liking my chapters.

Also, what do you guys think of this mysterious so-called Scott Hale? Yes I am obsessed with teen wolf if you were wondering.

Do not fear Ross and Ash's relationship will soon reappear!

Please excuse my attempt of a rhyme. See ya later!


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