Chapter: 4

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Ross' POV

"CALL 911!" I yelled back to shore.

I looked down at Ash, seeing she still was unconscious.

"Hurry!" I yelled. Riker pulled out his phone and I'm assuming he was calling 911.

I made my way back to shore, and laid Ash down on the sand. I grabbed my shirt from my bag, and wrapped it around her head.

I held her hand, tears still rolling down my face.

"What happened?!" Asked Rocky panicked.

"I made her go out to a wave to big for her, and it knocked her off, and she smashed her head off a rock, and it's all my fault!" I said sobbing.

Rydel came over to me and hugged me. "It's not your fault she hit her head! You can't possibly blame yourself for that!" She said, letting me cry into her shoulder.

I heard sirens, and I looked up, and saw the ambulance arrived. Two medics, came over, and I laid her on the stretcher.

"Can I stay with her?" I asked.

"I guess," said the medic.

I sat there, and held her hand the whole ride to the hospital.

*20 minutes Later*

"You can come in and see her now, but she still isn't awake, the latest is probably 3 months, but she should definitely wake up before that," Dr. Amber told me.

I ran in to her room, and saw her laying helplessly on the hospital bed. I held her hand, and just sat there.

"Please, wake up, I need you!" I told her with tears rolling down my face.

"I love you Ash, I always have, and always will, just please, wake up!" I pleaded.

If only she can here me..

Mom and Dad walked through the doors, followed by Rydel, Riker, Rocky, Ellington, and Ryland.

"Is she okay?" Rocky asked.

"The doctor told me she could be in a coma for up to 3 months, but she didn't say why," I answered.

"She said she has a concussion, and when she wakes up, she might have some memory loss, but if she does, it'll come back in a few days," Said mom.

Ash's POV

I saw Ross walk in and sit next to me. He held my hand, and tears rolled down his face as he said, "Please, wake up, I need you!"

I need you to Rossy! I tried and tried to move or at least something, but I couldn't do anything.

"I love you Ash, I always have, and always will, just please, wake up!"

Woah, did he just say he loves me?

Stormie and Mark, and the rest of them walked in, which snapped him out of his gaze.

They talked about my coma and all that shiz, and they all talked to me for a bit, and then they left, but Ross stayed.

"I love you Ash, I really do," he said looking at me.

I squeezed his hand. Woah, I thought I couldn't move?

I saw Ross' eyes widen.

Ross' POV

She squeezed my hand, oh my gosh, did she hear what I just said? Well why else would she squeeze my hand?!

I saw her blink, "I love you to Rossy."


(A/N I don't know if that can actually happen when your in a coma, I think it can, but if not oh well:)

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I'm also sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be longer:) ~Ashley

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