Chapter: 11 Part- 2

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Ash's POV

"How's it goin San Diego!" Ross yelled to the fans in the crowd. They all screamed back in reply.

I forgot my ear plugs again, so I swear I'm going to be deaf by the time this concert is over.

"We're gonna do quick question and answer before the show starts," Riker said.

More screaming.


In my dictionary, quick is like 15 minutes.

In their dictionary, quick is like 45

minutes, so I wandered over to some fans backstage.

When I walked over their jaws dropped.

"Umm, hey?" I said.

I personally don't think I'm worth a jaw drop, but whatever.

"Are you Ross' girlfriend?!" A short brunette asked.

"That would be me," I smiled.

"And is that his shirt your wearing?" A tall, attractive, red head asked.

I looked down and noticed it was one of his Walk the Moon t-shirts.

"Oh yea, I guess it is, I found it in my room, and I threw it on," I replied.

"Can I touch it?" The red head asked.


"Umm okay," I replied weirded out.

She touched it and wouldn't let go. I waited a few seconds, she still didn't let it go. Um, I'm getting a little annoyed now.

"Can you please, um, let go of me?" I asked.

"Oh yea, sure," she answered.

"It smells like him to!" She screeched smelling her hand.

"I'm never washing this hand again!" She yelled.

Okay, I get that fans are crazy about R5, but this is a little over the top.

I was about to walk away, when Ross jogged over.

"Hey," he said kissing my cheek.

"No," Red head started.

"Way." Brunette finished for her.

Red head passed out, great.

Ross hurriedly picked her up, and took her into his dressing room, and laid her down.

"Hey, you're he friend right? Can you stay with her here until the concerts over?" He asked brunette girl.

"Sure," she replied.

We made our way back to the stage, because there was still one question left in the question and answer.

"Okay, who wants to ask the last question?" Ross asked the crowd.

They started going crazy, and shot their hands up immediately.

I remember that I used to be one of those crazed fans. I still am, but I hide it, deep down.

"Okay, umm, you in the purple, with the yellow beanie," Ross said pointing to somewhere in the middle if the crowd.

"Is Ash here?" She asked.

Oh no, why'd she have to mention me? Ugh.

"As a matter of fact, she is," Ross said gesturing for me to come out there.

No way I'm going out there, my feet are firmly planted on the ground.

They at least were, until Ryland gave me a shove, causing me to fall into the stage.

I gave him the finger, and walked over to Ross.

The crowd, roared immediately.

Okay, great guys, I know you love me, now stop.

I really hate the attention.

Ross grabbed his guitar, and he strummed the first few chords of One Last Dance.

Awee, he's so cute.

He pulled me close, and he started singing to me,

"Tear drops stain your hazel eyes, I can't believe I made you cry,

It feels so long, since we went wrong, but you're still on my mind."

He flung his guitar around his back, and twirled me around.

Of course, being me, I started blushing, like my cheeks probably look like Rudolph had babies, and they live on my cheeks.

But that, didn't matter, at that moment, it was just me and Ross.

The song came to an end, and he pulled me into a hug.

The crowd went wild, but then it ended up turning into a chant.




KISS!" They chanted.

Oh what can I say, it's an opportunity to kiss Ross, what the heck.

I crashed my lips onto his, and can already here tons of cameras snapping pictures of us.

We pulled apart, and I pulled him close.

"I love you Ross," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," he replied.


I hope you guys likey! I spent like an hour finishing this, so you guys better like it;)

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