19 | American Boy Pt. 1

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『ᴛʜᴇ ғᴏᴏʟ』 ᴀɴᴅ 『ɢ.ᴇ.ʙ.』


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  They were waiting for something in the middle of the desert. "It's about time," Jotaro grumbled as he watched the helicopter come into his view. He didn't know what they were waiting for, but the sign of life in the distance was making him think that that was what they were waiting for.

    "They're here." Joseph smiled.
    "It's a helicopter!" Polnareff exclaimed.
    "No kidding, we can see it." Kakyoin rolled his eyes.

    "That's a Speedwagon Foundation helicopter. They're looking for a place to land." Joseph informed.
   "Speedwagon foundation? Are they the guys taking care of mom back in Japan? Those friends of yours?" Jotaro asked.
   "Yeah, that's them," Joseph said as he blocked the sand thrown up by the helicopter from his face. Jotaro seemed unphased by the winds.

   "Why is it here?" Kakyoin asked.
    "They bought some backup."
    "Eh? Who is it?" Y/n asked, looking at the helicopter with curious eyes.

"He has a few personality issues," Joseph raised his voice because of the loud helicopter. "So it's taken him a while to get here. You might like him, actually." He grinned to y/n.

"Mr. Joestar!" Avdol hissed. "It's impossible for him to come with us on this trip! There's no way he could be helpful."
"Do you know him, Mr. Avdol?" Kakyoin asked as the helicopter finally landed.

"Yes. very well." Avdol sighed.
"Hold on." Jotaro chimed in. "If he's back up, that means he's a stand user, right?"
"He's a stand user whose stand suggests the card called the fool."
"The fool?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow.
"The fool?" Polnareff repeated, a mocking tone in his voice. He let out a chuckle before speaking again. "That card sounds like an idiot."

"We're lucky that he's not our enemy," Avdol said, looking back at the helicopter. "You wouldn't be able to beat him."
"What'd you say, you asshole?" Polnareff growled, walking up beside him and grabbing his shirt. "You better watch your mouth."

"It's the truth." Avdol sighed. "And what's with the hand? That hurts."
Y/n walked over and wrapped her arms around Polnareff's arm, trying to peel him off. "C'mon, Polnareff! It's coming from Mr. Avdol, so he's probably right!"
"He's sounding all high-and-mighty and shit..." Polnareff growled.
"Polnareff, let go." She said calmly.

"Knock it off already," Kakyoin said plainly as he walked by. "They're finally getting out."
They stopped and looked at the vehicle as the door opened. Two men smiled and nodded at Joseph and Avdol. The two pilots stepped out and approached the crusaders. "Mr. Joestar." One of them said. "I see you're well." He and Joseph shook hands professionally with smiles on their faces.
"Thanks for flying out here. I appreciate it."

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now