29 | The Wanderer

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  I hate this chapter, I hate it

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I hate this chapter, I hate it. Not the best I've done




"Man, it's scorching out here today!" She was sitting right next to Polnareff. She had Jotaro's hat in to keep herself safe from the sun.
"You said it, Y/n." He whined. "I haven't showered in nearly two days." He rubbed the back of his head. "It's ruining my gorgeous good looks..."
"We can be stinky and nasty together," Y/n whined, leaning back. "Just— put down your arms, I can smell your armpits."

"Yeah- yeah." He grumbled, punching her shoulder slightly and picking up a grape soda. And then a man sat uncomfortably close to her.

"Move." She demanded. He didn't move nor answer. "Move it- old man." She growled. "Hey- Polnareff scoot over. This creep is practically sitting on me." He did as he was told and they both scooted, and then the man scooted closer as well.
They moved further, the man just sat next to y/n. They kept scooting away and the man kept following. "What the hell, jerk?! You have some kind of problem?!" She screamed into his face.
"Not too bright there, eh?!" The man screamed back, and pointed his finger in her face. "I'm telling you to move!"

"We sat here first, old man!"
The man took off his sunglasses and glared into her (e/c) eyes. "What are foreigners like you doing sitting here like some beggar?"
"It's fucking hot! I'm wearing dark colors! I'm wearing heels! I'm dying, you ugly pig!" She spat. "I'm taking a god damn break!"

"Who told you to take a break here, huh?!" He slightly shoved her down to the floor. Polnareff was just watching this, damn he's never seen y/n go off like that. He's rubbing off on her eh heh heh.

"Ah, you're beggars from a foreign land." A man came up to her. "It isn't much, but..." then he gave her some pounds.

"Huh?!" Polnareff took the money. "This is pounds! He gave you pounds for free!"

"You bastards! How dare you!" The man shrieked. "This is supposed to be my turf, dammit!"

"Can it, loser!" Y/n hissed. "You laid your hands on me! Tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass, huh?!"

    "Y/n! Stop attacking the poor man!" Avdol barked.
    "Huh? He shoved me!" She whined, looking at him.

   "You two, don't sit there! Give that money to him!"
    "But he's being a di-"
    "Watch your language!" Avdol snapped which caused y/n to snap her mouth shut. Polnareff handed the man the money with a glare. "Excuse my friends. They're not accustomed to the rules of this town." Avdol apologized

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now