28 | Misery Buisness

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『ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ』ᴀɴᴅ 『ᴛʜᴏᴛʜ』

『ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ』ᴀɴᴅ 『ᴛʜᴏᴛʜ』⁂

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Before the poker game with D'Arby!

      As he walked slowly down the dark corridor, he groaned. "Shit, it's so dark." His western accent was really showing. "I can't see shit. Now, where is that bastard?" He found himself at the base of a staircase, and he stopped. He wasn't having it.
    Hol Horse took out his lighter, flipped it open, and brought life to flames. "It's brawn daylight, 'n I still have to feel my way aroun' this dump." He grumbled, lighting his cigarette which sat comfortably in between his lips. "It must 'ave been that room. DIO must be in there..." as he walked, his boot came in contact with something fleshly.

   He let out a gasp in distaste. What he had kicked... was the body of a woman. She was drained of her blood. "What the— there 'r DIO's leftovers?" The more he looked, the more bodies of women he saw laying lifelessly on a pile of gold and trinkets. He shook his head and continued down the hallway, to where DIO was known to spend his time.
    Once he entered the room, he flicked shut his lighter because there was at least some light. Blue flames danced on the candles, it was enough for the light to illuminate the area and his pale skin.

   "Did you...." DIO's cold voice echoed through the library, which caused Hol Horse to jump. "... want something?" Hol horse looked around desperately but stopped when he realized that DIO was directly above him.

   "M-master DIO!" Hol Horse stuttered, pure fear shining in his eyes. Dio quietly connected his feet to the floor, his face shadowed by the light.

    'Damn it...' Hol Horse thought to himself. 'Just lookin' at him gives me the chills. Keep cool, Hol Horse. Don't let 'em get to you. He's nothin'. He's only slightly stronger than you...'

    "I repeat, did you want something, Hol Horse?" DIO asked once again, his back turned to the frightened man.
    "Ah— uh— well... I came to inform you that—" The cowboy stuttered. "—well, it seems two of the Nine Great gods, Mariah and Alessi, have been defeated." He said as DIO pulled a book out from the shelf and blew the dust off of it.


   "And that's not all. Joestar 'n the others will arrive in Cairo tomorrow. Only three of the Nine Gods remain." Hol Horse looked stressed.
    "When I say 'and', I was talking about you, Hol Horse. When will you exterminate them, Hol Horse?" DIO finally turned to him, but the majority of his face was being covered by a shadow. "You swore your loyalty to me, but you've yet to prove yourself in battle. Anyone can relay information. You failed me twice, and now you've crawled back to me." DIO took Hol Horse's cigarette out and killed it on both of his pointer fingers. "My body once belonged to a man by the name of Johnathan Joestar. He was the grandfather of Joseph joestar. Look."
     He showed Hol Horse the pads of his pointer fingers. "Notice how the left takes longer to heal?" The right burn healed within seconds while the left burn remained a little bit longer. "The left side of this body is weak. It proves that it isn't yet completely mine. That I am not yet immortal." The look on Hol Horse's face reeked of pure horror and disgust. He feared his life, he was genuinely terrified. "I am ill-equipped to engage in battle with them." He explained as he sat down on a chair and crossed his legs, opening a book. "Now you must destroy Joestar and the others. On my behalf... if not, I shall kill you."

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now