33 | Last Train Home (The End)

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"How did she know about the things DIO saw?" Josuke asked.
Rohan jumped, not expecting him to be there. Nor did he expect Yukako and okuyasu to be there as well. "Well..." Rohan's eye twitched. "One can assume he made it up with her imagination."

"Uh-huh." Josuke narrowed his eyes. "I didn't know Mr. Jotaro was such a badass!" He exclaimed.
"Hell yeah, he is!" Okuyasu fist bumped the air. "And to hell with that DIO guy, ruined my life!"
"And how did our dad die if he's here now?" Yukako asked.

"Can you idiots shut up?" Rohan growled. "Noe if you don't mind, I'm going to wrap up the story."


A Speedwagon Foundation ambulance truck picked up jotaro, y/n, and Joseph. Jotaro insisted that y/n be in the same truck as him and Joseph. Sadly though, Polnareff had to ride alone.

"Did you get him, Jotaro?" Y/n asked, her eyes barely open.
"Yeah, I got him."

"This is the Speedwagon foundation car two." A driver announced into a walkie-talkie "We are currently traveling north on Al-Nil street. We have retrieved DIO's body. I repeat. We have retrieved DIO's body."

Lucky there was room for three people on stretchers because Jotaro wasn't having it. Jotaro leaned down and planted a kiss on y/n's lips. She smiled weakly at him. "Good Job, Jojo." She said. "Did..." she groaned as she tried to turn her body towards him.

"Hey, take it easy." He hissed.
"I'll be fine, dammit." She said. "You're the one with two fractured collar bones and broken ribs. But..." her eyes suddenly turned mournful. "Did... Kakyoin make it out alive?"

Jotaro and everyone else in the car avoided eye contact with her. "No. He did not." Jotaro sighed.
"I see." Her lip trembled. "Were y'all able to recover a body?"
"Yeah... it's being sent back to Japan by a helicopter." Jotaro informed her. "Y/n... I'm sorry."
"It's... it's fine. I didn't even get to say goodbye." Her eyes teared up. "I guess it'll only ever be a goodbye to nostalgia from here on out, huh."
He nodded. "Uh..." he sighed. "The Speedwagon Foundation also suggests you don't make contact with his family."
"I see." She looked down but looked up again when jotaro offered something in his hands.
It was kakyoin's handkerchief he had received when he first met them and wrapped in the handkerchief were his earrings. She let out a sob as she took them into her shaky hands.
"Thank you." She hiccuped, tears streaming her bloodied face. "Thank you, jotaro."

"Jean Pierre Polnareff is unconscious." The driver said. "He is currently being treated in car one. Y/n is conscious and talking well enough."
"Roger." A man on the other side of the walkie-talkie said. "I have a question for you, car two. Why did you put Joseph and DIO in the same car."

"Because it's not over yet." Jotaro cut in. "DIO borrowed something..."
"Huh?" A doctor asked, turning around.
Y/n had stopped crying too. She was interested in what jotaro was planning.
"And I need to get it back," Jotaro stated.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Another doctor confessed.
"Is it possible to transfuse blood from one corpse to another?" Jotaro blatantly asked.
"Huh?!" Everyone asked simultaneously. "Are you suggesting we put DIO's blood into Mr. Joestar's withered corpse?" Doctor 1 asked.

"Are you trying to bring Mr. Joestar back to life?!" Doctor 2 exclaimed.
"Jotaro..." y/n sat up with groans in between. "Don't you think that's a little far-fetched?"

"Nope. DIO sucked his blood out just minutes ago. DIO's upper body has been annihilated." Jotaro explained. Standing up and towering over everyone in the car. "... but I want him to return what he's still got. Don't you think we can still make it in time?"

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now