30 | I Bet On Losing Dogs

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I genuinely cried

『ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ』⁂I genuinely cried

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     Polnareff summoned his stand and the man immediately threw a card. The card was sliced in half on Polnareff rapier.
    "A playing card?" Jotaro asked, catching a piece of the card.

     "Welcome. Master Joestar, we've been expecting you." The man welcomed them with a smooth and dark voice. "I am the butler of this house. My name is D'Arby."

     "D'Arby?" Jotaro repeated.
    "Yes. My name is D'Arby Younger. The D'Arby whom you defeated, is my older brother." His eyes darkened as he said that.

     "You're D'Arby the gambler's younger brother?!" Polnareff questioned. 
    "So you're here to avenge your brother?" Avdol added.

    D'Arby chuckled and floated off to the side, allowing them to enter into the large corridor. "No, certainly not. I would do nothing of the sort." He bowed again. "Did my brother not share with you his motto? 'The deceived, not the deceiver, holds the blame.' It is an adage I hold dear, as well. My brother lost. He is the wrongdoer. I hold no grudge against you. My brother is my brother and I am me. We are two different people. My brother and I are ten years apart. I did look up to him to a certain extent, but we are of different generations. My brother tried to win by deception. He is old-fashioned. He could win against the outmoded and the inexperienced. Master DIO realized that as well, which is why he kept me at his side and made me his butler. Huh? Is something wrong?"

     They were all... distressed. They didn't know what to do!
     "If you wish to fight me, then I invite you to enter our manor." He narrowed his eyes at the crusaders.

    "Stay on guard, everyone!" Avdol ordered.
    "We don't have time for games. Take us to DIO!" Jotaro ordered.

    "Jotaro! Be careful!" Joseph suddenly yelled. "Somethings coming out of his body!"
    "It's a stand!" Y/n pointed out.

    "So who's first? Who shall be my first opponent?" The stand asked.
   "Forget that!" Polnareff yelled. "Jotaro, take him down!"

    Jotaro walked in and summoned his stand. "I bet you star platinum will first attack with his left arm," D'Arby said confidently. They all gasped. How'd D'Arby know? "His first attack will be a punch thrown with his left arm. How much do you bet?"

    "This is bullshit!" Polnareff growled. "It won't make a difference either way. One punch is all it takes! Do it! Hit him, jotaro!" Star Platinum threw a punch with his right fist, and D'Arby completely dodged it.

   "What?! He dodged it?" Joseph yelled.
    "Such amazing speed!" Y/n gasped.
    "That's impossible!"

     D'Arby's stand grabbed Star's arm and looked at it. "Ah, too bad." D'Arby floated back to where he was originally. "It seems I lost the bet. Like my brother, I enjoyed a good bet. But, alas, luck is never on my side. To apologize, I shall take you to a wonderful world." D'Arby opened a portal-type thing and dragged jotaro and his stand down with him.
    "What the— a pit?!"

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now