32 | Ghost of The Sun

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『ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ』


       "Polnareff!" Y/n panted. "We should go find Jotaro— it wasn't a good idea splitting up." Y/n slowed down a bit, walking past Polnareff and turning around the corner. But he stopped her, he covered her mouth and held her back, hiding behind the corner.
    "Shh. There's DIO." He whispered, letting go of her mouth.

"Where's Jotaro, then? Mr. Joestar?" She whispered. She peeked over the corner and saw Jotaro limp on the floor, impaled by knives. Her eyes widened in horror. "Jo..."

"Y/n..." Polnareff warned. "Stay quiet."

"Jotaro?" Her voice wavered. "Oh... Oh my god." She covered her mouth with her hand.

"Y/n, listen to me... We're the last ones left, alright? You have to be strong. You have to be strong, we have to finish this for them!" He grabbed her shoulders and shook her a little bit. "Alright? Look at me." He grabbed her face and made her look at him. Her wide eyes stung with tears "When he goes to make sure Jotaro is dead, I'll attack first. Then you'll be the one to finish the job."

"No... No... No, No, No. Don't leave me alone." She begged. "Please."

"Snap out of it, y/n!" He growled. "This is not the time and place to be afraid. Fuck- I'm afraid, okay? Holly is the priority! Jotaro would want you to do it for him! Avdol would have wanted you to finish it if we can't!"

She just stared at him. He was right. She didn't know where Mr. Joestar or Kakyoin was. This was up to her and polnareff. She has to fight her last fight. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." She wiped her tears.

"Good. Come on, we need to watch for the perfect moment." Polnareff smiled a little and let her go, peaking around the corner.

Dio ripped a street sign from the ground with ease. He raised it over his head, leaped towards Jotaro, and smiled. "Jotaro!" He screamed.

Polnareff didn't say anything before leaping into action. He leaped above DIO, and summoned his stand, raising his rapier to attack. He skewered DIO right in the skull with success. "Now, Y/n!" He screamed.

Y/n ran out and summoned a small pistol, shooting multiple shots. She hoped she hit, god did she hope she actually hit him instead of polnareff.

Then time stopped. DIO dropped the sign. "The world," DIO said coldly. "Time has stopped..." He leaned forward, pulling his head off of the sword and turning towards polnareff. "So it's you, Polnareff..." He punched polnareff in the side which sent him flying until he froze in the air again. "And darling Y/n..." he snickered, walking past the bullets, and kicking her torso in the side with all his force like he kicked Danny in the past. Oh, how he loved remembering that. "and time will move once more." He said, fixing his green headband.

The two went flying in different directions with a cough of blood. They slammed into and broke the walls around them. "Too bad, you two. With just a moment more, and a bit more force, polnareff, you could have torn my brain apart with your rapier. And... even though you shot, you would have entirely missed me, y/n." The hole in his head completely healed.

"B-Bastard... This is Impossible..." Polnareff croaked out before losing consciousness.

"You cannot assassinate DIO." DIO laughed, picking up the street sign again. "Joestar's Egyptian tour group will be no more, once I finished the two of you." DIO started walking over to polnareff.

𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐬𝐭 (Jotaro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now