After 2 months......

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              Avni was dead on the spot and Ria was in jail. Khanna family has done a funeral for Avni. They hid this news from Neil, as no one dare to tell to him. They thought to say him when he returns.

After 2 months...

In these two months, Neil too spoke sometimes with his family, because of his case. Ali and Monica contact many lawyers in these 2months to take Ria out, but no lawyer was not ready to take her out as the pieces of evidence are against her.

Monica: please Ali, now we can tell Neil, bro, everything just happened to Avni and Ria.
Ali: If you have the courage, tell him.
Monica: Ali, please I can't see my friend behind the bars. That too for the murder she did not commit. She is innocent, you know right. How can she kill her sister, whom she loves the most? (cries and Ali consoled her)
Ali: Don't cry.
DD comes there. Ali and Monica looked at him.
Ali: DD bro, what happened? Did you collect any evidence, which proves Ria's innocent?
DD: No, the killer has planned well and trapped Ria. We need to find some other way. Did Neil call you?
Monica: yes, today morning he called.
DD: What did he say?
Monica: He said his mission is going to finish soon and he will come back soon.
Ali: we are preparing ourselves to say the truth to him.
DD: ya, he needs to know the truth. And guys don't worry about Ria, our commissioner sir said that New ACP is going to join and he is going to see the case.
Ali: Then, we will wait for him

On the other side,

        A police officer was shown. He was sitting on the bench in the tea shop and drinking tea. He told the tea master to add extra sugar to the tea and returned him tea. Another police officer ran towards him and stood in front of him. He told the police officer that the prisoner in the Jail had escaped in a panicked tone. But the police officer asked," Karan, whether it takes so long to add more sugar to the tea?"(the name of the other police officer is Karan). Karan gave confused look. The police officer turns and asked about the tea. The tea master gave him tea. The police officer sipped the tea and said perfect. Karan again called him.
P.o: what is your problem, Karan. I can't even drink tea in peace. Wait for a second...

   By saying this he drank the tea and placed the tea glass in the tea stall.
P.o: Now say, what happened?
Karan: Neil sir, how can you ask normally? (Police officer was Neil)
Neil: How did he escape from the Jail?
Karan: sir, when I came back to the station, the station was in a mess. When I searched him, he was not there in his lock-up. It's like he was not at all locked up. Before I could catch him he ran out.
Neil: Ya, you was right, he was just inside there, I didn't lock him up.
Karan: But sir, why?
Neil: In which direction he ran?
Karan: On the right side.
Neil: That's good. Come with me.
They get into the Jeep and moves in the left direction. Karan was confused but he remains silent.  The escaped prisoner came to his gang and said happily that he was escaped from Jail. Before he could laugh he got slap by his leader.

Leader: if you've escaped, you have to go somewhere else, why you came here.
Prisoner: No boss, he didn't see me, so he won't come here.
Leader: Really...
Prisoner: yes boss.
Leader: But he has seen you right. I will be in danger if I keep you here.
Before the prisoner could realise he was shot by one of his goons. Leader smirks. Before the leader could speak...
Neil: But, he has shown a way to us.
Other police too surrounded the goons by Neil's instruction. They started to fight. Finally, Neil shot Leader's head. Other police too shoot the goons.
They went from there. And finished the case.

Neil then goes to the commissioner office and submit the file to him. He told the committee that he had encountered people who had been doing drug dealing for the past 1.5 years. Commissioner wishes him.
Commissioner: And another happy news for you Neil. You got a transfer to your hometown.
Neil: Thank you so much, sir.
Commissioner: And one more thing, not only for your request but to give you the new case, which happened in your town.
Neil: ok sir. I always under your command sir. What is the case deals with sir?
Commissioner: very sincere. First, enjoy the success party to be held this evening. I will tell you your case paragraph tomorrow.

Neil smiles and says ok sir. He then salutes him and went from there.

Precap: Avneil's first meet

What will happen next???

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